Quovadis brother Vercyngetoryxa
... and nephew Valens - this entry was supposed to be canicular, so from Sasa to the riddle, but once that in the meantime got damn dog-days [somewhere at the beginning of September the weather was such that even a drink at her, did not want to ... Fortunately, recently had a long series of beautiful, sunny and cool, a truly golden autumn days, which unfortunately, probably just coming to an end, but still quietly hope to''duplicate''in the vicinity of All Saints] and the two that recently came across something that fits the title of this post intended as a completely absurd, unrelated to anything [almost of something then] - you see on the page I found a recording of Krzysztof Wyszkowski famous in his time Walesa's talks with his brother during the internment of the first in Arłamów in '82 was that I once thought was fake SB-Eck and now increasingly adopting a belief that is unfortunately authentic. Here's what smakowitsze fragments [only in the short introduction, to make a clear context of the case - generally, the point is that Lech scheming how to get here that their money from the grant to him, and it really''Solidarity'', the Nobel Prize to set himself and his family and that this has happened to his brother, since the do not allow him to do so together with Wojtek pazernymi klechami, to him,''cwaniakowi simple''according to his own determination, but with what the ancestors! ]:
"W. (Lech Walesa) - This, of course they are right that the church wants me to whore put a knife in the back. After all, they have a far-sighted policy. Here we agree.
B. (Stanislaw Walesa) - They have even established in the 1000 summer.
W. - Yes, but today it is for them economically so, for me as a person and the family is a whore is not economical, but it is economically, here I agree. Therefore Orszulik Pasture. He arranged for me a lot of things, but now what prevailed when Danki not accepted in Warsaw. When the primate was and did not accept it. She was there to tell them - you dick play. They have a different argument here that the Pope, etc., by this policy deal with those other things. Do you understand? These are big concepts coincide, but otherwise intepretowane. And they pulled out another one, and I pull out another one. We have a policy with the pope, and I thought that the Pope, Orszulik, Dabrowski is one. It turns out that they do not. They simply apply a different concept. Then I conclude? After that, when the latter received the prize from Sweden and Norway, and they told me now do not move anything until later. At the same time they told me that the government takes care of this fall that they want to settle.
B. - How is this it?
W. - I want to block all these accounts, which are for me at West and simultaneously cut off from the sources of my family. There's something Wojtek spierdolił matter to the extent that they rely on him, so he zawinklował realize that I am cut off from the actual income, which
could be invoked, and those obetną me, and I can not take these, because no ambition, because the activist social, etc. [... ] Klechy These are cool, but whore the fuck they play.
B. - What am I to turn?
W. - Help me somehow, as I have to do it. The problem is that I know more or less simultaneously I do not know the international situation, the Church goes far-sighted policy and stops me, holding me, whore, almost by the hand. I gave them, whore, everything settled.
B. - They are the most benefited.
W. - You know how many? 10 million. I told them well, and that my agreement? That is to say yes - you have all the Masses, for sailors, prisoners, for others. And how far have the legal status of the Church? All settled, whore. Everything I have just settled nothing. Now I come to the conclusion that they fit a mess, because then they will gain. We have to do division. Until do not understand this, we have to do the division, it will be bitchin. [... ] Get out of the country, because you have to deal with these matters. Of course, my old opinion because she is blind in that Poland, she thinks otherwise, but she does not know this. We so do not pay attention, but we as farsighted politicians, mindful of the fact that we have in our midst, family, fucking great ancestor. You know that in 410 years was the emperor, whore, entire empire. I came to the conclusion that the books that I read, of course, agrees. Someone said that we were emperors. The fact is, of course, that's where they knocked over, dropped him from Constantinople, this Rusek and his family rolled over to France, Italy and somewhere here in the East. We are of this strain, but not going into it. We are a family who needs to address those major issues. I am wjebałem it and can not be undone. Even though I cry, I can not go back, I have to play to the end. I can survive even the Soviet hegemony or another. Since I can not, because I am sitting, it is you have to deal with it. We have great views and these views need to use and protect yourself. [... ] We went too high, the situation we wpierdoliła. You think I like it? I also thought there zahandlować caps, and in the affairs of the wpierdoliłem serious. What do I do now? I have no choice. I have to wade in it, yet I can not. Here, even this week, do not know if you've heard that those dollars in Sweden, what they found, it is 100 thousand. dollars. Even though no one are recorded. To supplant some dick, you know. How badly we're playing, they are washed out.
B. - I must have some authority.
W. - Now as you thought. Do not lean on my old, who is a child, a good woman, but really stupid. This is a simple man who has seven classes. For her not to resist. Lean on me and that we are brothers. And you know how to do it. I do not know how. [... ]
B. - If only it were so, but I can be accused.
W. - Wait, what you do not care, as you will in Switzerland, Lake Balaton and you sailed on a ship. What do you care.
B. - In theory, it seems so.
W. - I will not be able to even go there how do you want me to fucking do. Me, although I do not believe, and so I will be in range, because you'll be. I bid thee, do what you want. And how do you do, it's your business. I will it will not be inquired into. You know that I can not do any movement. My every move is fucked. Of course, today I am swimming in the wave of bloody, but in 10 years is not known. General grabs by the throat, and so he told me borrow, and the rest of the nationalization, because a tax on enrichment and dopierdoli me so that deuce. You will have to survive 100 years, may 50th Let them take care of your grandchildren, or mine. [... ]
B. - Because political issues already went off, with even more economical.
W. - Not your affairs, as you know well, or mine. Already we are in life we \u200b\u200bdo not have to kick in the ass with his foot. We might as well go bust. I do not know whether, in francs, or gold, or in factories or in the land, invest one million U.S. dollars You have such good and how spierdolisz, you will need zapierdalać again. [... ] Until we, the matter was simple. Like a whore, I was not, the matter was simple, I bought it, whore, hat and played, and now as I have, I do not know how much traffic do I get the brand in the head, whore francs, at the fourth crown on the head. Fuck knows what to ask. [... ]
W. - Emperor of Rome, whom he defeated Rusek of Constantinople in 410 years drove him.
B. - How was the Battle of Grunwald in 1410?
W. - No, the 410 years he drove a litter of Constantinople. His name is Valens. Literally, the fact that in Rome there is no "ę" only "en" and he fled. One brother fled to France, and the second here. Somewhere in the word.
B. - A third of Italy.
W. - do not. He reigned in Italy, he had two brothers.
B. - Uh-huh.
W. - He does not know whether there were killed, Greg came because it is expelled from the imperial throne of Italy. In this book it was.
B. - It was Valens?
W. - Valens, not "ę" only "en". I came to that, he ran away somewhere in Slovakia, Czechoslovakia, on the word and the other fled to France. We probably come from those who have fled here. As someone once taught in a religion that, after some time to renew, you will probably hit me los . At a hustla so simple I made it without much preparation to do something, but do not want to go against the Church, so I have to wait forever, 100 years, 200 years. Therefore, I want to set your family who will complete our work. unpleasant thing that I did kontrkandytatem pope. [... ]
[ whole ]
- I do not know, maybe I think so but I think in the last paragraph in Lech cut through some vague reminiscences of the Spirit,''''King of the Slovak ... [Walesa mesjanistą? ] BTW: this entry was to initially start from the end of [ha ha], ie from that end of the previous entry in the exhibition''mayonnaise''and Stefan Lodz Kaliska on which he then chose - was generally as predicted, the successful primarily from a social point of view, although I will not complain, just that something happened here, as in Kielce it was really refreshing and definitely better in any case from badziewu, which usually presents itself in the BWA, and everything would be fine [now unless I can announce that''mayonnaise''Kielecki rules! ] If the gentlemen of ŁK''''[nomen omen] has not agreed to make his exhibition''''deeper meaning - I do not know, maybe motivated complexes to the''Great Art'' or that''involved''with whom he had so adroitly, after sowizdrzalsku mocked - in the form of hearing,''the Polish messianism''or''paradigm is the nineteenth-century romantic''reportedly still prevailing in our culture [? ]: First of all, I was unpleasantly surprised by the propaganda oration of one of them in the tone of the worst-kept the politically correct moralizing straight from the''selective''unfortunately. Briefly speaking ... BRIEFINGS popierd him three different cases: Messianism and nationalism with Catholicism [Of course, such hybrids exist, just as I find out they are punks and nazi-skinheads or red-, but not talking mutants but is about to species and types can''clean'']. As regards the mutual relationship between messianism and Catholicism rather be here noted that at least two of the talks in Paris''''Mickiewicz Pope pulled the index of prohibited books, and his perspective, moreover, quite rightly, because messianism is a lot of threads [such as for example progressive idea of \u200b\u200breincarnation which is probably based on''King''Spirit of the Slovak - see above] which in no way be reconciled with the Roman Catholic, and any Christian orthodoxy in general. However, the ratio of messianism and nationalism ... indeed, you must be a finite idol would not see that szowinistycznie and generally oriented anti-Semitic nationalism can not be reconciled with messianism because of its obvious inspirations Jewish [well, unless he is a Jewish chauvinist - but there must come a long way towards conflict with due to the essentially secular, materialistic nature of nationalist doctrine, hence the tension in relations such as Orthodox Jews in Israel with the authorities of this country and part of the society], he and Shakespeare is the last, which can to criticize the anti-Jewish racism motivated both because it was above the Messianic Jewish roots are fully aware of so many times he expressed openly in his writings and by his biography, marriage derived from the Franco''or''Jews, supporters of Jacob Frank, in the eighteenth century who converted to Catholicism, Celina Szymanowska, not to mention the fact that, for now, we are speculating on the origin of his mother, as far as I know, in the light of current research can not be the end neither confirm nor refute, in any event if they did This would mean that he is a prophet of our Israelite de facto [because according to the can, and misogynistic,''sexist''but probably realistic rabbinic wisdom is to him after his mother, because they come from the assumption that whoever it is you always know who the father is really never end ... ] So I have absolutely no problem, on the contrary, the Jew who is an ardent Polish patriot, but that does not bother him to be careful Lithuanian - for me the bomb! [Who wants to learn more can read the Krasnodębski essay on this topic posted on the Political Theology''''nomen omen] Returning to the exhibition may be the best commentary to all this is that when he went to the official part perorującego in the aforementioned spirit of the lord would tentatively argue with his bzdurnymi theses, the measure of his political naivete was his surprise, as he told me that more than two years after leaving Giertych's son still has to study and take examinations according to established by the''controversial''min. education program ... -''Exactly!''Would like to say, invariably turn amazes me that, after all, how intelligent and talented people easy to give up on such a simplistic take on the mental blocks pressed on them by various stripes of thicker crooks such as the division such that the Duck is correct, and that is not [about whether such or such a point, of course, decide sit ... means of vision], but unfortunately also my interlocutor''Lodz Kaliska''proved to be one of them being armored to any counter-example in the famous mob when he saw the Cross on one side only when the other was equally and I dare say, that much worse. To sum up the whole thing - I do not want to work out is to megalomania on my part, but I would advise gentlemen of Lodz,''K.''moralization leave priests, rabbis, popom, imamom, Buddhist monks and lay preachers [moral''terrorists''] to''Election and thus continue to deal with what ever so deftly done and what they love: naked, rubensowskimi babami, sowizdrzalstwem and buffoonery. Normally I hate gówniarzy, but I ask you - do not grow up!
So much about this - the rest of what happened in the meantime is not gonna be too much to deal: neither of the two Kaczorów clash at the convention''S''with a spontaneous [? ] In the form of performance the intercalation Mrs. Heni [ I was looking at a combination of''Sing''everyone in the interpretation of paramount Stuhr - to see you here - what I think it will be the best commentary on the whole fuss] or bizarre''action''anti-dopalaczową [I did it already carefully Ziemkiewicz and Sierpinski - the latter also drew attention to the way an interesting fact that, as in the case of''Law antyhazardowej''where it was a smuggling under the guise of establishing a de facto censorship and increased powers for special services, also here on the wave of hysteria antydopalaczowej shall be written in the act''in the knee [no] legal''egregious record of providing the possibility to some urzędasowi bazującemu only''reasonable suspicion'' [no evidence! ] The closure of any factory or shop for 3 months and the specific product withdrawn from circulation, even for half a year! - No need to be an economist to know that this can mean huge losses and even bankruptcy - yet also giving him and his office total impunity if it turned out that that decision was unfounded ... This is the appropriate sanction for''capitalism''kompradorskiego criminal methods of finishing outside the Tale, or, if you will''system''- yes, yes! - Entrepreneurs, yet informal,''legitimate''or''semi-legal''[eg nasyłanie skarbówki or thugs] What version of''soft''took on such a form as in the noodles and the''hard''and ended with Olewników family ... now the state will be able to enforce the mafia protection money - to take a bribe and, well, because it creates a wonderful perspective of corruption! - Completely legally ie ''Humanely'', we should enjoy, amen. In any case, let no one I repeat, do not give a fuck, that in Poland there is jakowyś''free market''or''capitalism''- if it is, rather, only for friends and relatives''rabbit''. Of course, not just saying that every businessman in this country is a former ubekiem, an informer, or inszym commie crook, but you know who was and probably still has a''controlling interest''in it] or at the end of the last quarter of a volt-Biłgoraj'' philosopher''[because ibid. re Ziemkiewicz and Sierpinski - I just I will shyly note that the SLD activists like gentlemen Kopycinski [who, in addition something to think Addicted to the calculations] or Kalisz, director Kutz and finally he Palikot are the last ones would be entitled to reproach their bloated bellies klechom so because of his no less abundant, and carcass greasy chins, which, not conjecture nabawili an equally suspicious machlojach, and because of this simple fact that even a companion Rakowski with your favorite Zapateralskiego General Jaruzelski gave just such other powers and not the Church at the dawn of the Third Republic, favorable geszeftom probably different as the last described, why do not deny that it is indeed the best evidence of symbiosis''red''from''black''by taking part in the former secret police agent. Very aptly named Dariusz Rosiak Palikot in Rzepa'''':'' Lepper for wykształciuchów'', but best summed up the essence of the''message''Jacek Sierpinski in the above entry, begs to quote -'' filmy niepoświęconym vibrator ''... I smoke the devil, that in this way can be such a hurry to GRETKOWSKA cwaniakowi bark, or the old woman Kutz, zaczadzony chauvinist Silesian coal dust, which the fat utterly probably flooded the brain, but what this group is doing so undoubtedly an outstanding mind, a true intellectual, and not such as''social promotion''and''La pasionaria Madzia''Wednesday, a Agata Bielik-Robson? [Forgot her lyrics from''the world''Literature and books published by Universitas, so I know what I mean] Sorry, but this is probably the same type of situation as a member of Lodz Kaliska''''sad ... ]
At the end fitting to explain what's going on with that under the heading''Quovadisem''- this is not a character from''''Asterix, but thirsting for details I refer to the entry from the blog friend, where he describes the minute. recently erected a monument in Kielce Sienkiewicz, from which the unfortunate word, but rather its form, gave rise to such humorous digressions, also recommend his remarks on the local elections there, and on his blog inszym wysmażył noble requiem''Zagloba '', which was closed just probably the only restaurant in this city, because of the atmosphere and the clientele - I will not be darkened, that I have been there regularly, only a few times and it rather briefly, but the memories that were very positive and promised myself that I fall for more: now it's too late ...