In the Land of Bula Krul ie Ślunsku''.'' - on @ the CIA came across the info about the boycott of the census
- unfortunately the comments under that most of these anarchists This debile and oszołomy: As Ugly Duck dowalił last thing, so they must, of course, and even in spite of their idiotic mindedness they do not see that same support this kind of nationalism, hated by them, because as far as nationalism [
add any nationalism - Russian German, Polish, Jewish, etc.] is a curiosity of Silesia nationalism oddity is already squared [moreover, with half of those ćwoków, like the other [? ] In the ONR, etc. are probably agents of the Internal Security Agency, or another of the security police - well about such
wrote recently Potato ] as Silesia is more disco than disco przejerypane Polo, here's proof:
- here and so save the whole thing in the background quite fikające, trza admit fojne frelki''''but I encourage you to przepatrzenia this angle Youtube to see the representatives of the hard alternative, hardcore scene, then you will find no problem for her distinctive elements such as garden gnomes, beer, mustaches, and generally''Bavarian aesthetic sense''[a contradiction in itself], my favorite is Mrs. Janina Libera -
bartender who likes
ballets and most importantly, it is not racist because I will
mountaineers !
As you can see from the above is a true mine of Silesia [nomen omen] musical talent, yet another example to support this assertion, and my latest discovery although the form is well known in some circles,''''a good few years - from Opole, and specifically his district, the aptly named New City Kings,''the best rapper of the Third Republic''and''original''blond''Lech Roch Pawlak Skorpion''himself!
- dude gave a new quality concept wordcap''...'' Unfortunately, the Polish man destroyed by racists
- the fact that Poland is grajdół gnoi in which such prominent individuals as''The Scorpion''! Who truly epochal few of these, brilliant, unique rhymes [me so! ] Toss one more sample of the amazing fristajlu
''cold''Lech particularly recommend his
accelerated version [note - you can die laughing! ] And a very cool remix of bears quite nice to look at pictures Fri
''Wash your feet antelope'' ...
Since we are already in the atmosphere is hip-chłopowych the Polish-Russian [or rather, the Russian-Polish] reconciliation that will probably bloom [''let them flourish a thousand flowers''said the chairman rightly Egg] with a new force on the occasion of a known anniversary, throw Stasiek undertaker rap from the East to-border:
- one thing is certain: as he says that someone is buried
not kidding ...
... And as what is said at the outset of the Silesian chauvinistic moods commented on the whole thing probably best native of Silesia, writer Stephen Twardoch
on his blog, begs to quote from it taste so good part:''The heroic
recent opponent in the act of expiation Tusk announced , that it is precisely in the act of honor Silesian heroic protest against the raging demons of nationalism. Probably read this piece of silent pastor and thought to myself that what will it be when pisowska hydra comes after experts from the naked ladies? Not that I have anything against disassembled ladies. So I deigned to be a specialist Silesian, he and some journalists, and who else. Probably because I had never heard of the charming Silesian xenophobia, and a third generation resident of Silesia goroli no avail allowed to call themselves Ślōnzŏkami *, even his mouth was full of platitudes about Multikulti and other foolishnesses. But I need to do is gather a group of ethnically homogeneous intimate and soon begin deliberations as the small Silesian Ahnenerbe, who and to what category to qualify, then even the arguments, the size of haya, aze overestimate you, mamlasie pierziński, and likewise so often in the papiyrach niy Moshe, because from twoji Starkie drugigo chopa starŏszek of Poznan were poorly from Hamburg, which the ancient Babylonian Empire skiz snout, krojcŏku lost, as the same from pokolyń echt Ślōnzŏki gŏdajōm. And in this pattern, really lovely. But that's just on the sidelines. And now enrolled Silesians the elite group oppressed by Kaczynski, along with Gabończykami and buyers in Biedronka and who else. On the other hand qualified Silesians the elite group of Slavic and ancient enemies of the Piast Polish identity, along with Gross, Hitler, Michnik, Stalin and Tusk, in alphabetical order. Wonderful. And still now, someone asks me: what I said?
And I was like a shit.''
- no. I agree with those who suspect that the hysteria was unleashed in order to''cover''the text of her ugly Duck Polish state under the rule of Duck's nice that You can specify only words like chujnia and total rozpiździaj and with that you can not argue, so hence the affair [pojebanym anarchists, as you mentioned at the beginning or korwinowcom advise you not to enjoy the degradation of this country because just like what happened in Greece, it will not replace any ''alternative society''but
other countries - Germany rozszabrowali there, banking and finance, the Chinese have bought the port of Piraeus and even shipbuilding, Israel put its paw on zbrojeniówce or subdued army loyal to him ever since the Turks in military matters unfasten him, etc.. - A hundred times worse than him, I might add, as it has at times in our history ... ]. Rozjepała me offer just a summary Ziemkiewicz gregarious habits antykaczystów'''':''
Please, President of the Law and Justice, to firmly and strongly condemned the suicide and suicide. It is a good chance that the population of idiots rozgęganych a sign of solidarity and protest then decrease significantly.''
- a more extensive and more emphatically expressed in this article
: his concept of zakutymi Niesioła heads and squats - pulp!
Tyla so [I said from Silesia].
ps enigmatic''Krul Bul''- an allusion to''Ubu''- the title is an obvious reference to the problems of elementary spelling Komorowski, mocking the condemned, moreover, recently
in principle''Hansel''Zakowski as - beware! - Półinteligencką''pride''[a pulmonologist may''''? ] ... I really appreciate your commitment Comrade Zakowski, so I would like at this point emphatically declare - this time seriously - he was not getting out of here as being of Silesian farthest from the identification Shithead them with the type Gorzelik nor their zajeżdżającą Bavaria music [ch ... are what they are, at least honest and unpretentious at what they do, funnily even a little and certainly worthy of contempt, and Janina forgive me I hope these little ridicule, this with sympathy and wish her a really good time like before! ] And even the same''Scorpion''as consciously noticed a user on Youtube:''These brudasy together with a WAŻKA G carrion and trash. But Lech Roch Pawlak is a positive compatriot and gives a smile to people''even if inadvertently ...
ps 2 - wine Bidronki'''' szczyną goes.