I know, little original post title from Kuala Lumpur, but the twin towers of the Petronas Towers dominate the local urban landscape!
Did I already tell you from a Malaysia I do not like? ;) Kuala Lumpur too, despite my aversion to such a big city. The first two nights we spent in ENT Weanu (Couch Surfing, of course!), Whom I saw only once ... More specifically, I saw his back as he left the morning for work ... In a large, empty apartment camping eight of us, our hosts, I suspect, occupied the second part of the dwelling. Not so conceived ideas of Couch Surfing, so we went to a lovely hostel in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city known as the Golden Triangle. I must admit, however, the view of KL from the windows of our absent hosts was insane!
Many walked around town, mostly from one mall to another in search of air conditioning, because the awful hot here! At the interface between the Petronas towers are not we took the building, because at 8 am in the queue for tickets (issued from 8:30) was waiting well over one hundred people. The world's largest aviary decided to visit the next time his stay in KL, because the ticket price for our budget turned out to be prohibitive, especially in comparison to the ridiculously low prices of food (lunch in the "kiln" - 15zl!). Twice for we went to the cinema, on the Alice in Wonderland (ticket promotion of "cheap Wednesdays" at the multiplex - 7zł) and finally to the Avatar in 3D (£ 16.50). Also we went for a walk in beautiful Lake Garden park, where he observed the deer frolic and macaques [intentional ambiguity;>].
visited the gardens, which grow hibiskusy (national flower of Malaysia) and orchids.
visited the National Mosque, where we had to dress for decency in purple robes.
Phil has acquired the road to buy a netbook, thanks to which, I hope I will be more regularly zamieszczas entries. A little gaunt look of our achievements in KL, but the heat overcame us ... Images distributed
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