Other Russia.
- this post was to bear the name of the tropics''sadness'', or the less pretentious, and just''jeb ... !!!'' summer and be one big bluzgi, relieving the frustration they put me in a recent heat wave but well, the situation last bit of a um, changed [by looking at what is before-yesterday it was in the window, it was hard to believe napierd that a week earlier ... more than 30 degrees, although as indicated by the forecast promises to be a replay of''entertainment'',''so nothing is lost''in a word,''''moderate climate got damn! ], So using a temporary relief that could cool down I will feel something more pleasant, and what has become a pretext found yesterday, completely by chance a certain blog Studite moving an intriguing phenomenon Siberian [punk] rock [- who I believe that I stumbled upon it seeking information about a great historian George Łojku a misunderstood, a true enfant terrible of Polish history - as well as the recently deceased Paul Wieczorkiewicz - and because of its proclaimed very unpopular today in this environment and non-stereotyped courts -? from the May 3 Constitution November Uprising and the Eurasian mutation of punk ... internet leads where he wills! ] - Especially impressed me, music is there and said to me previously unknown Janki Diaghilev, who died tragically at the beginning. 90s legendary character of the local scene, moreover, please see for yourself: rough and melodic at the same time [and the dark moments]
- here and in the more lyrical release, but some felt the roughness of protecting the otherwise a beautiful Russian song before shoals of sentimentality [I suggest to focus on music and not pay at all because of the accompanying pictures - unfortunately I could not find another, better version of the clip]:
- I recommend interested said post Studite [as the last of this post] or column Jack Podsiadlo of Janina in Tygodnik Powszechny''''should also see the page devoted to it - especially on it contains an extensive collection of photos - and read with translations of texts her songs [in many things, but the standard texts''involved''punk songs that were certainly not! - Zero fucking ... o''''oppression, przebrzydłych corporations, liberated uteri or poor murdered in a slaughterhouse zwierzątkach: but relief], they can also be found here , but if anyone wants the same theme podrążyć punk and rock music in general I suggest to go to Siberia and delve a topic in this forum [a lot of interesting and difficult to access information] or other post Studite more about discussing.
to take this opportunity now that we have been here more enjoyable from the murder of Putin or Medvedev, non-czekistowską face of Russia decided to throw in a few interesting musical projects and valuable artists there to take on the same blog which will gather a long time, and how not to do it now I would probably never again, so -
- primarily Other Żełannaja - if it does not associate bad I'd say it's true''''Empress of the local music scene, but this is more fit to be called Alla Pugacheva ... [Although among Russian''alternative''has a similar status] and there is not really about sex breżniewowskiego''demon''and the sound goes a dramatically higher shelves links grandmother in her work [as far as simplifying the] influence of Peter Gabriel and King Crimson [even played with Trey Dunn from the same formation] of Russian folklore, since the late 80-s still to this day working with the best ichnimi jazz-rock musicians what I hope will be heard in the section below the clip, a concert version of a song from her last, strongly the electronic and spatial and beautiful at the same time, the album "Кокон" [Cocoon]:
Unfortunately I could not find anywhere a clip of her song to the point where I was for some time [and actually I'm still] a pretty good crazy: Зеркало [Zierkało] from the album''Inoziemiet '''the' 98 was - but I throw another piece of a beautiful folk song, sung in duet with another star of the local [already more pop] folk-rock Pelagey'ą [yes, yes ...]:
- I highly encourage you to have a look at another page on Myspace or author to consult more widely with the work of this original artist [chrzańcie not me, so that for example Mari Boine does the same thing in Lapland, That's why I is different, nomen omen, couple kaloszków], or even przepatrzenia YouTube in search of her concert disclosures.
Since we are already at the unusual combinations of Russian folk music with more contemporary sounds [whatever the hell u meant] no way in this context does not include very interesting project called Zventa svent - how to define what they play: Russian folk-funk? It would seem that it is difficult for something more than a statement of kuriozalnego Russian folk music with the sounds of native blacks from the United States, just funk, soul, jazz, etc. but in my opinion, at least it zażarło, so the greater appreciation for the ingenuity of forming a group of musicians, and especially art liderujących its two [pretty nice, I might add] singers - indeed this connection is not all that space even taking into account that one of them is mulatką ... The acquisition of Slavic poetry from the African energy [riding stereotypes] without any problems and nice to the ear is composed [in my opinion at least, repeat], and in any event, such as Sister Hazel''pardon''is at the same time can and decent, but only odtwórstwo, please see:
... women and the duo themselves: the thing that broke me, not only by its intimacy, which shows in its pure form to make the fantastic results of this type could lead call [unless, of course, will be in skilled hands, and listen to the talented people, not mediocrity, which depends only on squeezing money at the lowest cost], but also ''visuality''- how to say''style''of these ladies? ruski disco-punk from the 80s? Look a little like Madonna from that period, but multiplied with a typically Byzantine exaggeration ... Nothing here almost to himself does not fit, everything is almost too much and not despite but precisely because it fits together - balalaika, singing, clothes and appearance of these women: for me, everything here is nice and beautiful, and it has this razor blade necklace, Byzantine crowns suspended between her breasts just killed me ... [I suggest to see it in HD! ]
Charming ...
Okay, just for today found their site on Myspace [recommend otherwise, like the author ], closer to me unknown ichnia ragga band''Russian''called''Dubstepler'': the clip is very interesting, cleverly uses the themes of the totalitarian Soviet propaganda, and even music niezgorsza:
I think after this entry, no one can accuse me jakowejś Russophobia''''no unless it would be''a quarter-Lublin Palikot Goebbels''or''man-duperela''Provincial [I'm not going to clutter up the blog last''miserable''mondruściomi gwiazdorka television, let it only at this point to express sincere regret that his unhappy mother was not well ' 'liberal''which he compared to an abortion ... ] Or inszy metropolitan beet. I'd be writing this post I had no idea that was formed a year ago in Russia, a coalition of anti-putinowskich groups with the same name as on - otherwise there could have been built only exotic in the highest degree of alliance of liberals, national-Bolsheviks Limonov ... Recommend this initiative so interesting, which is more promising for the future from this: Piłorama''festival'' held every year in the former Soviet koncłagrze - is comforting, because it shows that, contrary to what we recently hysterically rude and keep telling different suspects'' Friends Russia,''not only czekistami she stands.
Finally, something completely without przypału and squeezed''syndrome d. ..'': a piece of theirs for some entertainment, the aforementioned duo Pelagei and Russian actress Daria Moroz, the purely pop, and of ch .... - I will only malcontents that give us such pop boziu on TV at least every Saturday night, and it's very nice song and this performance particularly pleases me [I'm not enthusiastic about the work of a lady Pelagia - contrary pseudonimowi is pretty young and pretty girl - but you admit that the woman who is talented and gifted with a nice, almost operatic voice, the men who will laugh and scorn to fuck her lips to remind that they have''''Pelagia and we kurwiszona vulgar or something of Dode ... and that the format she does a real career out there, and such''and''formaciku here, unfortunately, shows, contrary to our przeświadczeniom, their civilizational superiority over us, that's what! ]:
ps that was not so sweet: just found on the Internet such as treated in Russia, chastising people for basic civil liberties - Provocation and genuine rebellion? In any case chujnia ... instructive reading.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Blue Tooth Jump Drive
Everybody say "bula"
In search of the true, the least contaminated tourism in Fiji, despite the crowds set off to the east, avoiding a wide berth, and the most popular Yasawas Mamanucas archipelagos. The effect of this decision, I found myself first on the island of Ovalau, east of the "main" island country of Viti Levu.
first few days spent in the living memories of the proud history of Fiji's first capital, a quiet and rather sleepy Levuce. There are very few tourists, so the emergence of a new face is instantly recorded. At first I was generally taken as something of Carolyn, who reached the Levuki two days before me and proved to be a rich blonde.
most popular sport in Fiji is rugby. How do you like "ball" that kids play?
stopped at the oldest hotel in Fiji, called the Royal, not Colonial, as I mistakenly thought. Hotel for three generations in the hands of the same family and some elements of its equipment seem to remember opening day ...
My room in Royalu
Dining room, lounge and billiard room with a giant century-old snooker table could tell many stories of the adventurous times of colonization! One of these stories I am going to be your implicit consent.
At the beginning of the 19th Lovoni century village located within the crater of the volcano, and the notorious brutality and krwiożerczością population, visited a Protestant missionary. Chatted with the leader of a nice village, famous for its great appetite cannibal, whose very curious fountain pen pastor. If you want to win themselves a leader, a missionary gave him a pen "to hold", and stuck them to the This same hair. The conversation came to an end and a missionary without hesitation and warning he reached for his property. He did not know that touching the hair and scalp is the biggest insult here. Outraged commander grabbed the mace and smashed his head Christian then eats the unfortunate missionaries for dinner.
krwiożerczości Speaking in Pacific waters around the densely Ovalau is from sharks (mainly white-tip reef sharks), but does not affect the relaxed atmosphere: lazily swam to us during the dives, sometimes watched curiously, and often indifferent, and slowly returned rekinich to their classes. But you must admit that so amazing their proximity and abundance (during one of the dives I lost count!) Produces a thrill, even though this species poses no threat to humans. Fidżyjczycy joke that the sharks, as they Kave drink and therefore are mild. About Kavi will in a moment.
the local equivalent of the Asian Levuki songthaewów took me to small villages silane, where Seru, and Hall lead the "rural tourism", and by five children. (Their youngest son, known as Billy Boy, it looks just like Mowgli from the Jungle Book. ") Since I was the only guy lived in a surprisingly well-equipped, but otherwise rather clean, spacious cottage with an inactive term (back to cold showers.) My przemili hosts for me to cook delicious Fijian dishes, which provoked plenty of light concerns that may want podtuczyć me first, and then ... :) I met here too the taste of fresh tea leaves of lemon, for which I yearn.
On Sunday I went to church with his family. According to Fiji's Seru is a "thousand" factions of the Christian religion, and my hosts belong to the Church called the Assembly of God. Or House of God. Or something like that;) From a distance you could hear loud music and singing coming from a wooden shed located church. For the first hour gathered sang and applauded in his hand. Then he spoke a little intimidating pastor (privately brother Seru), from time to time shouting and threats reminding the faithful of God's mercy. Pastor thundered an hour, then came the time for singing, full of ecstasy, cries and tears of prayer for the sick villagers, collecting donations discreetly hidden in small brown envelopes, and after nearly three hours to disperse the signal died. We all shook hands, blessing, and so ended the morning service. Hall and her daughter chose to church again in the afternoon, but I'd prefer to test, however, hung my hammock on the beach.
Sunsets in silane
Another busy day was marked by a coconut. There I met new ways to exploit this useful plant. For applications already known to me (a young coconut juice to quench thirst, and coconut milk and cream for cooking) reached as follows: germ sprouted coconut is nutritious and easily available, and the grated flesh of mature nuts simple homemade melted coconut oil. And this is what we achieved. First, trees should be collected from mature coconuts. Then you need to be peeled from the shell and split. Machete. Then sit in a special grater and third, third, third ... Grated flesh is left out in the sun, and then squeezed it through a cloth (in our case, probably by an old petticoat ...) cream, which is cooked, stirring constantly, until a desired the final product, which is fragrant oil, and a by-product - delicious coconut "greaves". On the coconut oil can fry such as cassava (cassava) with the remainder of the dinner, but my bottle is carefully wtarta in skin and hair - my relatives and I will - with the hope for perfect results:) I would add that helped the most active, as can attest sore fingers!
For one day I went back to Levuki to a local Chinese restaurant to give taste buds a rest and to experience the luxury of warm showers at Mary's Lodge, and then had to take the tiny Caqalai (pronounced "thangalai").
Caqalai can go around in 15-20 minutes. It is surrounded by golden sandy beach and just a few - a few meters from the beginning to the beautiful coral gardens. On the island is the only "resort", run by the Methodist Church, closer to the vague, but small, number of employees and a handful of carefully selected guests. We lived in reed huts unleavened thatched. Sounds conch przywoływało us for meals and after dinner was a time for music fidżyjską (three guitars, drums and enough votes How many willing and brave) and Kave.
Caqalai and my bure on the beach
Kava is Fiji's national drink, with nothing to do with coffee. This infusion of powdered pepper root metystynowego , which looks like dirty water and it tastes a little pieprzowato, after which the tongue tingling, the kidneys are working as hired, my eyes are getting drowsy, and is getting sleepy ... Apparently after kavowej libations you can forget your own name. Regular abuse of the spoils, which to some extent explains the pervasive atmosphere of relaxation in the islands. Once kava accompanied only important family and social occasions, now becomes a serious problem with which the Government of Fiji is trying to fight.
sunsets on Caqalai and musicians wieczorni
My daily routine for Caqalai, in addition to meals and evening entertainment, was straightforward. I read a lot, I was swimming with mask and snorkel and spying fish, I made rounds around the local islands in the company of dogs, some posiedzialem in a comfortable chair on the beach, a little pobujałam in a hammock, a little piaseczku been left on the ... Holidays, ladies and gentlemen! And because roads insurer recently asked me the cost of doctor visits in Australia, decided to pay the last dive during this trip. Although, unfortunately, is still ahead of me first meeting with mantami, the latter end of the loons were worthy of crowning work (due to nervousness sisters did not describe a very close encounters of the third degree with the sharks, P)!
One of the island dogs caught poaching on a sample;)
Numerous adjacent sea snakes Caqalai maciupeńka Snake Island got its name.
At low tide can be had for a tiny Snake Island to get almost dry feet, and the return journey, sailing, spectacular coral reefs and colorful fish inhabiting them.
Totem, I think, though he did not insist on this unproven theory
After two weeks of bliss came back on the island of Viti Levu and in the last three days I stopped near the capital, SUVs. It was there, in the Raintree Lodge, distributed in a hammock in the size king size, the pond is covered with water lilies, formed a relationship with your stay in Fiji. These last days have passed me mainly on meditation on the inevitable and so close to the end of my Great Adventure, but also I was able to mobilize for action. Toured the Museum of Fiji, gdzie można obejrzeć maczugi i kamienie, na których spokojni i pokojowo nastawieni mieszkańcy Fidżi rozłupywali czaszki swoich wrogów, oraz widelce kanibalów. Milutko :) Wybrałam się również do chronionego lasu tropikalnego w Colo-i-Suva, osławionego napadami i rozbojami, gdzie nad moim bezpieczeństwem czuwał strażnik parku narodowego, uzbrojony w maczetę!
To, proszę Państwa, sławne miejsce - kręcono tu pierwsze sceny filmu "Anakonda 2" :)
Oczywiście odwiedziłam też obowiązkowo municipal market, where the eyes rejoices view of colorful vegetables and exotic fruits, and where you can enjoy a very juicy juice kumkwatów (G. and M. understand the allusion to the juicy juices!).
looked a drill and parade of the uniformed services ... I think the designers of the uniforms, according to the plan they have facilitated a mission to kill enemies with laughter!
And so ended my stay in the beautiful islands of Fiji. Came to an end, my Great Journey that I had the great pleasure to you and narrate. Thank you all for your continued support in the way, your "presence" on my blog was very important to me! See you in Poland:) Flowers and applause for the readers!

In search of the true, the least contaminated tourism in Fiji, despite the crowds set off to the east, avoiding a wide berth, and the most popular Yasawas Mamanucas archipelagos. The effect of this decision, I found myself first on the island of Ovalau, east of the "main" island country of Viti Levu.
first few days spent in the living memories of the proud history of Fiji's first capital, a quiet and rather sleepy Levuce. There are very few tourists, so the emergence of a new face is instantly recorded. At first I was generally taken as something of Carolyn, who reached the Levuki two days before me and proved to be a rich blonde.

most popular sport in Fiji is rugby. How do you like "ball" that kids play?
stopped at the oldest hotel in Fiji, called the Royal, not Colonial, as I mistakenly thought. Hotel for three generations in the hands of the same family and some elements of its equipment seem to remember opening day ...

My room in Royalu
Dining room, lounge and billiard room with a giant century-old snooker table could tell many stories of the adventurous times of colonization! One of these stories I am going to be your implicit consent.
At the beginning of the 19th Lovoni century village located within the crater of the volcano, and the notorious brutality and krwiożerczością population, visited a Protestant missionary. Chatted with the leader of a nice village, famous for its great appetite cannibal, whose very curious fountain pen pastor. If you want to win themselves a leader, a missionary gave him a pen "to hold", and stuck them to the This same hair. The conversation came to an end and a missionary without hesitation and warning he reached for his property. He did not know that touching the hair and scalp is the biggest insult here. Outraged commander grabbed the mace and smashed his head Christian then eats the unfortunate missionaries for dinner.
krwiożerczości Speaking in Pacific waters around the densely Ovalau is from sharks (mainly white-tip reef sharks), but does not affect the relaxed atmosphere: lazily swam to us during the dives, sometimes watched curiously, and often indifferent, and slowly returned rekinich to their classes. But you must admit that so amazing their proximity and abundance (during one of the dives I lost count!) Produces a thrill, even though this species poses no threat to humans. Fidżyjczycy joke that the sharks, as they Kave drink and therefore are mild. About Kavi will in a moment.
the local equivalent of the Asian Levuki songthaewów took me to small villages silane, where Seru, and Hall lead the "rural tourism", and by five children. (Their youngest son, known as Billy Boy, it looks just like Mowgli from the Jungle Book. ") Since I was the only guy lived in a surprisingly well-equipped, but otherwise rather clean, spacious cottage with an inactive term (back to cold showers.) My przemili hosts for me to cook delicious Fijian dishes, which provoked plenty of light concerns that may want podtuczyć me first, and then ... :) I met here too the taste of fresh tea leaves of lemon, for which I yearn.
On Sunday I went to church with his family. According to Fiji's Seru is a "thousand" factions of the Christian religion, and my hosts belong to the Church called the Assembly of God. Or House of God. Or something like that;) From a distance you could hear loud music and singing coming from a wooden shed located church. For the first hour gathered sang and applauded in his hand. Then he spoke a little intimidating pastor (privately brother Seru), from time to time shouting and threats reminding the faithful of God's mercy. Pastor thundered an hour, then came the time for singing, full of ecstasy, cries and tears of prayer for the sick villagers, collecting donations discreetly hidden in small brown envelopes, and after nearly three hours to disperse the signal died. We all shook hands, blessing, and so ended the morning service. Hall and her daughter chose to church again in the afternoon, but I'd prefer to test, however, hung my hammock on the beach.

Sunsets in silane
Another busy day was marked by a coconut. There I met new ways to exploit this useful plant. For applications already known to me (a young coconut juice to quench thirst, and coconut milk and cream for cooking) reached as follows: germ sprouted coconut is nutritious and easily available, and the grated flesh of mature nuts simple homemade melted coconut oil. And this is what we achieved. First, trees should be collected from mature coconuts. Then you need to be peeled from the shell and split. Machete. Then sit in a special grater and third, third, third ... Grated flesh is left out in the sun, and then squeezed it through a cloth (in our case, probably by an old petticoat ...) cream, which is cooked, stirring constantly, until a desired the final product, which is fragrant oil, and a by-product - delicious coconut "greaves". On the coconut oil can fry such as cassava (cassava) with the remainder of the dinner, but my bottle is carefully wtarta in skin and hair - my relatives and I will - with the hope for perfect results:) I would add that helped the most active, as can attest sore fingers!
For one day I went back to Levuki to a local Chinese restaurant to give taste buds a rest and to experience the luxury of warm showers at Mary's Lodge, and then had to take the tiny Caqalai (pronounced "thangalai").
Caqalai can go around in 15-20 minutes. It is surrounded by golden sandy beach and just a few - a few meters from the beginning to the beautiful coral gardens. On the island is the only "resort", run by the Methodist Church, closer to the vague, but small, number of employees and a handful of carefully selected guests. We lived in reed huts unleavened thatched. Sounds conch przywoływało us for meals and after dinner was a time for music fidżyjską (three guitars, drums and enough votes How many willing and brave) and Kave.

Caqalai and my bure on the beach
Kava is Fiji's national drink, with nothing to do with coffee. This infusion of powdered pepper root metystynowego , which looks like dirty water and it tastes a little pieprzowato, after which the tongue tingling, the kidneys are working as hired, my eyes are getting drowsy, and is getting sleepy ... Apparently after kavowej libations you can forget your own name. Regular abuse of the spoils, which to some extent explains the pervasive atmosphere of relaxation in the islands. Once kava accompanied only important family and social occasions, now becomes a serious problem with which the Government of Fiji is trying to fight.

sunsets on Caqalai and musicians wieczorni
My daily routine for Caqalai, in addition to meals and evening entertainment, was straightforward. I read a lot, I was swimming with mask and snorkel and spying fish, I made rounds around the local islands in the company of dogs, some posiedzialem in a comfortable chair on the beach, a little pobujałam in a hammock, a little piaseczku been left on the ... Holidays, ladies and gentlemen! And because roads insurer recently asked me the cost of doctor visits in Australia, decided to pay the last dive during this trip. Although, unfortunately, is still ahead of me first meeting with mantami, the latter end of the loons were worthy of crowning work (due to nervousness sisters did not describe a very close encounters of the third degree with the sharks, P)!

One of the island dogs caught poaching on a sample;)

Numerous adjacent sea snakes Caqalai maciupeńka Snake Island got its name.

At low tide can be had for a tiny Snake Island to get almost dry feet, and the return journey, sailing, spectacular coral reefs and colorful fish inhabiting them.

Totem, I think, though he did not insist on this unproven theory
After two weeks of bliss came back on the island of Viti Levu and in the last three days I stopped near the capital, SUVs. It was there, in the Raintree Lodge, distributed in a hammock in the size king size, the pond is covered with water lilies, formed a relationship with your stay in Fiji. These last days have passed me mainly on meditation on the inevitable and so close to the end of my Great Adventure, but also I was able to mobilize for action. Toured the Museum of Fiji, gdzie można obejrzeć maczugi i kamienie, na których spokojni i pokojowo nastawieni mieszkańcy Fidżi rozłupywali czaszki swoich wrogów, oraz widelce kanibalów. Milutko :) Wybrałam się również do chronionego lasu tropikalnego w Colo-i-Suva, osławionego napadami i rozbojami, gdzie nad moim bezpieczeństwem czuwał strażnik parku narodowego, uzbrojony w maczetę!

To, proszę Państwa, sławne miejsce - kręcono tu pierwsze sceny filmu "Anakonda 2" :)

Oczywiście odwiedziłam też obowiązkowo municipal market, where the eyes rejoices view of colorful vegetables and exotic fruits, and where you can enjoy a very juicy juice kumkwatów (G. and M. understand the allusion to the juicy juices!).

looked a drill and parade of the uniformed services ... I think the designers of the uniforms, according to the plan they have facilitated a mission to kill enemies with laughter!

And so ended my stay in the beautiful islands of Fiji. Came to an end, my Great Journey that I had the great pleasure to you and narrate. Thank you all for your continued support in the way, your "presence" on my blog was very important to me! See you in Poland:) Flowers and applause for the readers!

Thursday, July 8, 2010
Substitute Of Waxing Strips
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Do Minnetonka Moccasins Run Big Or Small?
rustic President
... and after the election - the post title is not far behind any offensive intentions in relation to Mr [and how: after all a gentleman! whole mouth ... ] Komorowski: if it has to be a forester from WSI ... her boyfriend, no? And familiar smell hangs around him ... ''What? a lot of cows and the pigs''- yeah ...
Kretynyki the portal''''I found an interesting interview with Monika shred, director of left-wing theater, which openly declared before Kaczynski's election vote [yes, yes! ], But rather on his electorate - a lot of delicious passages begs to some but to quote here:
Kaczynski''knows how to change the electorate and what are the possibilities of transfer at the next election. PO at the time of this campaign is behind. They had hoped to restore the language of the previous campaign and predicted that Kaczynski resigns from that language that can not be provoked. It does not have to talk about the system, it need not frighten vetting. He had already sent the message, perhaps it is so that radicalism and brutality of these actions were planned and necessary. Yes, the system can not destroy an elegant and in good taste. A system - so I know the stores was not proper to call it so - certainly was, and I think it is. In a gentle and soft way of the story between business and local politicians are busily swept under the carpet. I think that doing this show would zaplute arguments about temporariness and obśmiane as a conspiracy, etc Method oszołomskie the authorities can see well at a local level, even on the occasion of affairs with the reference directors of theaters, it is totalitarian the use of power by officials, who heads the institution is often not good, but several people connected with the institution or sharpening the teeth on it. And this is everyday public life in Poland, rather than excesses.
[...] Frankly, me very pissed off that Komorowski is always a privileged position, since it requires less, the more he forgives. Regardless of the positions from which to criticize. This means that unfortunately we are still moving in aesthetic terms. We make the choice to look at, vote for a better suit their own aspirations. Not even the promise of their fulfillment, but for better Polish language, the longing for the aristocracy, mansions, fireplaces, to the libraries full of Gombrowicz, Milosz and Szymborska, for good manners, class and intelligentsia pipe professor Geremek. This is the effect of legitimacy by the "authorities". A journalist friend of mine commented on Kaczynski's voting intentions in this way: "I really want to vote for this pathetic man?". He did not give any argument as to why Kaczynski is pathetic and no longer Komorowski. He does not see such a need, and asked indignant that I had the audacity to ask.
This unreflective tone is the standard middle-class elites claiming to titre - orphans of the Freedom Union. Only those people who have to appeal? For the artists, who after 1989 be able to do anything in culture, and the only thing they did, it went and still go hand in hand with the government?! Where are these awesome, great films by Andrzej Wajda and Agnieszka Holland, telling of the Polish reality early years of transition? Where are the new heroes fought for and won freedom? No! And where are their would-be authors? The power elite. Why not have a movie about the strikes of the nineties? Because of their would-be film makers would do such a nuisance to their colleagues from the opposition. You know what Polish cultural establishment, for example, knows about what is happening now in the Polish theater? Knows nothing, can possibly know the big mainstream. Some time ago there was debate in the Agora. Subject: World nieprzedstawiony, the last two decades in the culture. In the room all the saints - Kutz, Michnik, Holland, and within Lubienski establishmentowy crammed in a bit of fresh blood circulatory system - Greg Smith. In the discussion of elites establishmentowej Agnieszka Holland said she is not w ciągu ostatnich 20 lat niczego, co by rzeczywistość ostatnich dwudziestu lat przedstawiało, nie mówiąc już o tym, żeby coś zostało dla przyszłych pokoleń - bo jak wiadomo podstawową funkcją kultury jest muzealnictwo i wykopaliska. W teatrze rzeczywiście nie zdarzyło się nic. Nie było Nowaka, Klaty, Wojcieszka, Zadary, Demirskiego itd. Michnik zapytał Holland, dlaczego nie warto zrobić filmu o zjawisku radia Maryja albo o Farfale. Wiesz jak brzmiała odpowiedź? Mniej więcej tak: „Farfał jest nudny, nudny, nie. Rydzyk? Przecież Rydzyk to żenada, żenada”. To jest wyraz odpowiedzialności albo rozumienia role of the artist in society? This confession of unbelief in the tastes and opinions, which itself is formed. I listened to and remembered the videos of the first decade of the Third Republic, the beneficiaries of the first period of transformation - advertising agencies, millionaires, but jaded renowned artists, advertising agencies again. Not so much pissed off with me, the presence of these films, only the absence of films about victims of transformation. Or even a Rydzyku - a story about him is a story about a part of this society - we can not agree with them, but we can not say that they are boring
strikes broke out in Poland because of increases in meat prices, and now people eat sausage with cow tails of the Ladybugs, and believe that it's normal that they have no right to demand more.
Maybe my constituency is not the gesture comes from the fact that I'm on the road with Kaczynski, but his electorate. I feel stronger relationship with the guardian of my son from Walbrzych, than for an elite who find a friend from Warsaw, voter Komorowski, who recently was able to say: "How can you entrust your child prostaczce the margin"?
[ whole ]
- despite all the ideological differences agree with the author's aversion to our Lord have mercy neo-middle class, the highest correlation across TVN cool people of the republic, where a pop-aesthetics wyżarła brains. As she wrote on the same site Kinga Dunin [which after all can be accused of anything, just not about sympathy for the PiS]:''I really ladies of the Family of Radio Maryja is as dangerous as guys with an unlimited appetite for money and lack of scruples?''- No just ... From the above analysis corresponds well apolitical electorate, which seems to decided the outcome of this election, made by Sierpinski, we quote:''Platform
know (which I think escapes many commentators on the political scene), that a substantial part of its most loyal, "toughest" of the electorate consists of people (yes - typically young, educated, the big cities ) basically apolitical - little interest in politics and generally having no illusions about the political class as such. Such people are not interested in scandal and corruption ('cause we all steal "), nierealizowanie promises pre-and post-election (because we all lie") or incompetence rządzących. Tacy ludzie nie interesują się niuansami polityki gospodarczej czy zagranicznej, Unią Europejską, Irakiem, Afganistanem, deficytem budżetowym, międzynarodowymi umowami na dostarczanie i wydobywanie gazu, prywatyzacją, komercjalizacją, dopłacaniem do ZUS czy KRUS. Tacy ludzie nie odczuwają najczęściej związku między podatkami a cenami towarów czy swoimi wypłatami. Tacy ludzie nie interesują się historią, PRL-em, stanem wojennym, Jaruzelskim ani tym, co wyrabiały komunistyczne tajne służby, a hasła patriotyczne są dla nich pustym dźwiękiem. Takich ludzi interesuje tylko jedno - żeby politycy dali im spokój and did not interfere with them at least in their private lives.
Normally, those people do not go for elections. In contemporary Poland, however, these people represent the electorate of the Platform. Represent him only for one reason - fear of the PiS, which is associated with the power of wishing to deeply interfere in their private lives .[...] As long as the Law and Justice will be a major strength of the opposition and presented such a face as long as the OP does not have to worry about support, even if not implemented any promises, and chased affair scandal. Because apolitical electorate which is the strength of the platform does not care.
Well, unless that the PiS will give these people a signal that they have nothing to fear - for example, by declaring and active promotion of libertarian projects of a kind of hard to defend freedom on the Internet (opposition to the ideas of censorship, a ban on gambling on the Internet, as well as law enforcement and cut from the network of rods pirated files), the decriminalization of possession of drugs (even marijuana) for personal use and consistent defense of freedom of expression and manifestation - not just the conservative, but this anti-clerical, "reconciling the religious feelings" or saturated sexual content.
Only if the party Jaroslaw Kaczynski able to do so?''
[ whole ]
- Exactly ... [Reiterate] conclude about the election [because I already staggering from the homely smell begins to sicken] still only recommend a good Wildstein comment, not least against Kaczynski włazidupny [indeed, after he lost by the other day,''unavailability''the chairmanship of the TV] which rightly ochrzanił his compliments to the companion Edward - to admit that the whole thing if I knew before [he would spare the nerves Olala campaign merdiach ] I would seriously consider whether we actually vote for him ... As someone rightly pointed out in that Rzepa'''', instead of fighting over 3 million Napierdalalskiego electorate would be better to convince myself at least some of these several million, which in general did not go to the polls, ask about the reasons for their absence. Adds written''hot'' text Corvinus, surprisingly quite sober, but says there is something about 2-óch bottles of wine drunk during the ... [As you can see the wine it serves]
- and just that: going to the nicest themes are In the meantime there was another Hasarapasa''''[about a previous mentioned here before ], taught by experience the past no napalałem at it too, considering it rather as an opportunity to socialize and that is why I was not disappointed [as to what Some people] and even appreciate it as in this respect was very successful, although I must admit that I can not vouch for the objectivity of this review, because much of it received 6 bottles of white wine drunk during her together with a friend ... I will not elaborate on this issue the more that has already done It is enough on his blog, I'll add only that it fills me with pride the fact that the vast majority of wines presented there has been drunk in my company and my participation ... There also mention our joint visit organized by the J. Henry Kenig meetings with Spider [admit that only brought by him and drank before 20% miodówka''there''has allowed me to persevere providing delightful, well-promilową a protective barrier against spiders network drawn from some marshes or swamps inszych endokomunistycznych] and Slawomir Cenckiewicz [here in a larger group ] Promoting his newly published book about Anna Walentynowicz - but it's a much greater weight and a different, higher-end, so maybe the other time, not to depreciate him posting in this not entirely serious context ...
... and after the election - the post title is not far behind any offensive intentions in relation to Mr [and how: after all a gentleman! whole mouth ... ] Komorowski: if it has to be a forester from WSI ... her boyfriend, no? And familiar smell hangs around him ... ''What? a lot of cows and the pigs''- yeah ...
Kretynyki the portal''''I found an interesting interview with Monika shred, director of left-wing theater, which openly declared before Kaczynski's election vote [yes, yes! ], But rather on his electorate - a lot of delicious passages begs to some but to quote here:
Kaczynski''knows how to change the electorate and what are the possibilities of transfer at the next election. PO at the time of this campaign is behind. They had hoped to restore the language of the previous campaign and predicted that Kaczynski resigns from that language that can not be provoked. It does not have to talk about the system, it need not frighten vetting. He had already sent the message, perhaps it is so that radicalism and brutality of these actions were planned and necessary. Yes, the system can not destroy an elegant and in good taste. A system - so I know the stores was not proper to call it so - certainly was, and I think it is. In a gentle and soft way of the story between business and local politicians are busily swept under the carpet. I think that doing this show would zaplute arguments about temporariness and obśmiane as a conspiracy, etc Method oszołomskie the authorities can see well at a local level, even on the occasion of affairs with the reference directors of theaters, it is totalitarian the use of power by officials, who heads the institution is often not good, but several people connected with the institution or sharpening the teeth on it. And this is everyday public life in Poland, rather than excesses.
[...] Frankly, me very pissed off that Komorowski is always a privileged position, since it requires less, the more he forgives. Regardless of the positions from which to criticize. This means that unfortunately we are still moving in aesthetic terms. We make the choice to look at, vote for a better suit their own aspirations. Not even the promise of their fulfillment, but for better Polish language, the longing for the aristocracy, mansions, fireplaces, to the libraries full of Gombrowicz, Milosz and Szymborska, for good manners, class and intelligentsia pipe professor Geremek. This is the effect of legitimacy by the "authorities". A journalist friend of mine commented on Kaczynski's voting intentions in this way: "I really want to vote for this pathetic man?". He did not give any argument as to why Kaczynski is pathetic and no longer Komorowski. He does not see such a need, and asked indignant that I had the audacity to ask.
This unreflective tone is the standard middle-class elites claiming to titre - orphans of the Freedom Union. Only those people who have to appeal? For the artists, who after 1989 be able to do anything in culture, and the only thing they did, it went and still go hand in hand with the government?! Where are these awesome, great films by Andrzej Wajda and Agnieszka Holland, telling of the Polish reality early years of transition? Where are the new heroes fought for and won freedom? No! And where are their would-be authors? The power elite. Why not have a movie about the strikes of the nineties? Because of their would-be film makers would do such a nuisance to their colleagues from the opposition. You know what Polish cultural establishment, for example, knows about what is happening now in the Polish theater? Knows nothing, can possibly know the big mainstream. Some time ago there was debate in the Agora. Subject: World nieprzedstawiony, the last two decades in the culture. In the room all the saints - Kutz, Michnik, Holland, and within Lubienski establishmentowy crammed in a bit of fresh blood circulatory system - Greg Smith. In the discussion of elites establishmentowej Agnieszka Holland said she is not w ciągu ostatnich 20 lat niczego, co by rzeczywistość ostatnich dwudziestu lat przedstawiało, nie mówiąc już o tym, żeby coś zostało dla przyszłych pokoleń - bo jak wiadomo podstawową funkcją kultury jest muzealnictwo i wykopaliska. W teatrze rzeczywiście nie zdarzyło się nic. Nie było Nowaka, Klaty, Wojcieszka, Zadary, Demirskiego itd. Michnik zapytał Holland, dlaczego nie warto zrobić filmu o zjawisku radia Maryja albo o Farfale. Wiesz jak brzmiała odpowiedź? Mniej więcej tak: „Farfał jest nudny, nudny, nie. Rydzyk? Przecież Rydzyk to żenada, żenada”. To jest wyraz odpowiedzialności albo rozumienia role of the artist in society? This confession of unbelief in the tastes and opinions, which itself is formed. I listened to and remembered the videos of the first decade of the Third Republic, the beneficiaries of the first period of transformation - advertising agencies, millionaires, but jaded renowned artists, advertising agencies again. Not so much pissed off with me, the presence of these films, only the absence of films about victims of transformation. Or even a Rydzyku - a story about him is a story about a part of this society - we can not agree with them, but we can not say that they are boring
strikes broke out in Poland because of increases in meat prices, and now people eat sausage with cow tails of the Ladybugs, and believe that it's normal that they have no right to demand more.
Maybe my constituency is not the gesture comes from the fact that I'm on the road with Kaczynski, but his electorate. I feel stronger relationship with the guardian of my son from Walbrzych, than for an elite who find a friend from Warsaw, voter Komorowski, who recently was able to say: "How can you entrust your child prostaczce the margin"?
[ whole ]
- despite all the ideological differences agree with the author's aversion to our Lord have mercy neo-middle class, the highest correlation across TVN cool people of the republic, where a pop-aesthetics wyżarła brains. As she wrote on the same site Kinga Dunin [which after all can be accused of anything, just not about sympathy for the PiS]:''I really ladies of the Family of Radio Maryja is as dangerous as guys with an unlimited appetite for money and lack of scruples?''- No just ... From the above analysis corresponds well apolitical electorate, which seems to decided the outcome of this election, made by Sierpinski, we quote:''Platform
know (which I think escapes many commentators on the political scene), that a substantial part of its most loyal, "toughest" of the electorate consists of people (yes - typically young, educated, the big cities ) basically apolitical - little interest in politics and generally having no illusions about the political class as such. Such people are not interested in scandal and corruption ('cause we all steal "), nierealizowanie promises pre-and post-election (because we all lie") or incompetence rządzących. Tacy ludzie nie interesują się niuansami polityki gospodarczej czy zagranicznej, Unią Europejską, Irakiem, Afganistanem, deficytem budżetowym, międzynarodowymi umowami na dostarczanie i wydobywanie gazu, prywatyzacją, komercjalizacją, dopłacaniem do ZUS czy KRUS. Tacy ludzie nie odczuwają najczęściej związku między podatkami a cenami towarów czy swoimi wypłatami. Tacy ludzie nie interesują się historią, PRL-em, stanem wojennym, Jaruzelskim ani tym, co wyrabiały komunistyczne tajne służby, a hasła patriotyczne są dla nich pustym dźwiękiem. Takich ludzi interesuje tylko jedno - żeby politycy dali im spokój and did not interfere with them at least in their private lives.
Normally, those people do not go for elections. In contemporary Poland, however, these people represent the electorate of the Platform. Represent him only for one reason - fear of the PiS, which is associated with the power of wishing to deeply interfere in their private lives .[...] As long as the Law and Justice will be a major strength of the opposition and presented such a face as long as the OP does not have to worry about support, even if not implemented any promises, and chased affair scandal. Because apolitical electorate which is the strength of the platform does not care.
Well, unless that the PiS will give these people a signal that they have nothing to fear - for example, by declaring and active promotion of libertarian projects of a kind of hard to defend freedom on the Internet (opposition to the ideas of censorship, a ban on gambling on the Internet, as well as law enforcement and cut from the network of rods pirated files), the decriminalization of possession of drugs (even marijuana) for personal use and consistent defense of freedom of expression and manifestation - not just the conservative, but this anti-clerical, "reconciling the religious feelings" or saturated sexual content.
Only if the party Jaroslaw Kaczynski able to do so?''
[ whole ]
- Exactly ... [Reiterate] conclude about the election [because I already staggering from the homely smell begins to sicken] still only recommend a good Wildstein comment, not least against Kaczynski włazidupny [indeed, after he lost by the other day,''unavailability''the chairmanship of the TV] which rightly ochrzanił his compliments to the companion Edward - to admit that the whole thing if I knew before [he would spare the nerves Olala campaign merdiach ] I would seriously consider whether we actually vote for him ... As someone rightly pointed out in that Rzepa'''', instead of fighting over 3 million Napierdalalskiego electorate would be better to convince myself at least some of these several million, which in general did not go to the polls, ask about the reasons for their absence. Adds written''hot'' text Corvinus, surprisingly quite sober, but says there is something about 2-óch bottles of wine drunk during the ... [As you can see the wine it serves]
- and just that: going to the nicest themes are In the meantime there was another Hasarapasa''''[about a previous mentioned here before ], taught by experience the past no napalałem at it too, considering it rather as an opportunity to socialize and that is why I was not disappointed [as to what Some people] and even appreciate it as in this respect was very successful, although I must admit that I can not vouch for the objectivity of this review, because much of it received 6 bottles of white wine drunk during her together with a friend ... I will not elaborate on this issue the more that has already done It is enough on his blog, I'll add only that it fills me with pride the fact that the vast majority of wines presented there has been drunk in my company and my participation ... There also mention our joint visit organized by the J. Henry Kenig meetings with Spider [admit that only brought by him and drank before 20% miodówka''there''has allowed me to persevere providing delightful, well-promilową a protective barrier against spiders network drawn from some marshes or swamps inszych endokomunistycznych] and Slawomir Cenckiewicz [here in a larger group ] Promoting his newly published book about Anna Walentynowicz - but it's a much greater weight and a different, higher-end, so maybe the other time, not to depreciate him posting in this not entirely serious context ...
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