motto:''... how sad is the cutting off of the eggs ...''
[Roman Kostrzewski -''Kat'']
Holidays are approaching, so to work off - to make it clear I am not mental palikociąt''or''pigs samosprzedawalnych Tools speaking hypnotized by the magician''''Bilgoraj, so not the same Christmas arouses my disgust, although their spirit is alien to me because I do not think is not only a Catholic but a Christian at all, as a commercial and moral, in a truly insane his feverish, unhealthy shell excited that the rest have probably crushed the metaphysical dimension of this feast [of course, if at all any, have you ever] - I decided to bowl himself as a radical antidote to this madness in the form of a whole series of bad sessions, failed new Polish films [someone will say that This is no art to find any, offense, but we are talking about the movies, even bad the background of contemporary Polish cinema ... so you really have hardkorr! ]. First off was a solution which has long had Chrapek, and which even the title is a promise of bliss for every lover of bad taste:'' Unmoved Mover Lukasz Barczyk''of 2008 - probably the best indication of this film will be''mannered ..''. g. Mannerisms, and even gargantuizm even a word well describes what is happening there on the screen, a total exaggeration and lack of moderation in everything that is almost the quintessence of kitsch. The only thing good to say about it''''poruszycielu images and music may be written by a contemporary Polish composer, student of Louis Andriessen [who knows, knows], Hanna Kulenty - is actually a rarity in today, not only the Polish cinema to the path The audio was created by a professional, is one thing, but only one, just on the author deemed to be a plus. Although he tries to save his work, leaning on a murky pseudo-philosophy and even trying to give it a radical social message [! ], But increases the ridiculous pretentiousness alone total: Who wants to see, let him get acquainted with Mr. Barczyk elukubracjami in written form [to admit that perhaps from time champion posmoleńskich digressions, after the art of bullshit that is smutów Manuelli Ghrethkowskiej not met with equal concentration of nonsense, the guy collapses such kocopoły that up [not] happy], or fairly short video footage interview with him - the way it is worth to check how many times mentions the word''final''form, something like hundreds at least, not once but at least no mention of the contents: a significant ... But even this site does not defend the movie and the director's interpretation that he did not tell the simple linear story focusing more on the reflection and call directly at the viewer's extreme emotions are completely implausible, because despite the use of really quite radical measures They are of laughter or embarrassment at most [mover''that''does not move ... ]. Here's the proof - my favorite scene with John Fryc, whose performance in the role of General fucks everything and for him, and specifically conceived of eggs, we failed to see the creature, appearing here with Marieta Zukowska, yes pretty actress, but for my taste too thin [a This is important in this full nudity and perverse, sex pojebanego image]
-''Oh knickers! ... I zdefraudowan / shame, and żenada shame on wiekix''it makes you want to quote a song respectable Tymonowych Kur''''in the last century ...
next nieudałym work tfurców native who consumed, digest i. .. so on, was the screen adaptation of''''Insatiability Witkiewicz in 2003 with Cezary Claw up in several roles, if not the leading principal - without going into details the extensive adaptation is more like a television drama and not the film [probably a matter of finances] and unfortunately does not come close to''Farewell to Autumn''directed by Mariusz Trelinski of '89 was probably. Yes Cezarry flashed in a few moments showing the actor's claw, but what good is that, if it loses the inclination to szarżowania and the director there is not too over the film after the first matter and a pretty good part somewhere in the middle, at least for me, the thread tears and sits tension. I will not have clung to the accumulation of perversions and abominations in the story, because in Witkace original from what I remember, at least it was the same, but even if they donate a scene in which Czarek dressed in baby beta in some degenerate sexual practices''slips'' pile by the Persians Nasrani Zwierżontkowskają played here by his then-wife, Veronica Marchuk ... Of all the film remember just a few of the immense text [but it is thanks to the literary original author] and a few scenes in which the Claw shows that it could be a great actor, if only he did not believe so in its brilliance, weapons are also a creation of Catherine Gniewkowskiej samiczo- Princess Irina demonic Vsevolodovna Ticonderoga, maybe even a few beauty of actresses, especially eagerly cited obnażających firmer breasts. Veronica Marchuk [that's before he fell, and actually pushed herself up Tom's agent in the trap ... Moreover, what is this for her for the arts, because as Rumour has arrived from the steppes to our beautiful country at the beginning. 90s would probably hołubce Hutsulskyi brandishing a pipe in one of the first Vistula sex clubs ... ] And unknown to me before - I can not say that the closer, because it would be ambiguous - was an act of Anna Wendzikowskiej [- I do not know who started it, but it is respectable indeed Tits], while the music is not Mozdzer knocks. Quite a man - I'm not going to clutter your blog excerpts of''work''- who may be curious to see the encouragement derived from it short movie [- punch line performed Nails: bomb] and if he little broader selection of scenes , but I notice that in the latter the accumulation of perversion, bad taste and stupidity of the ordinary for someone else exceed the limit for him as far as [I was there''delighted''... ], Still an impressive collection of photos and end: I'm saturated.
Well, the last''freak''- Polish horror hopeless gloom''Season''from two [more] years: I think that we should not dwell on the over this disaster, because here and what can I say? I guess only what is observed one of the internet that much adekwatniejszym title for something that would''clear''pomroczność [this is probably the best description of its creators, when it hovered] - for those wishing to learn more cool review, the whole film can be seen on Youtube, unfortunately, from The 2nd Fragma. fuck the synchronization of image and sound [- the latter strongly ahead of the first], on the other hand this may be an additional reason for joy drawn from watching this truly awful movie'''', though not in the sense intended by the director, especially for those lovers of all pokraczności nieudactwa and the undersigned as such. Intriguingly, the fact that the creator of this pitiful crease, reportedly capable operator Greg Kuczeriszka also like Mr. Barczyk from''property''what-not-moving, trying to prop up Aristotle ... What might this mean? - Philosophical dilettantes that should not take for making movies [or anything at all]?
seeking information on a stupor''''I came across something perhaps even worse than these crap [I know, it's hard to believe it] - let shockingly comprehensive description enough for everything ... I admit that I do not have the courage to prescribe that somehow trza care of elementary mental hygiene, it is just as famous in some circles,''''''''Nekromantic exceeds even mine, and so much''permissive''norm. If someone for whom this is still not clear asked,''why would you voluntarily funded such g. .. !''- I think the best explanation for him is the statement found on some forum about this a moment ago badziewu:
Ożesz''in the face! Totally disarming , absolutely incorrect, extremely comical and cheesy up. Fantom Kiler broke all bounds; actress undress in any situation, the murderer the same as Blood and Black Lace, some scenes waving fancy spell Jess Franco. But there is everything, even the misty forest and the cemetery, almost like Nekromantiku ha ha. Dubbing crashes almost as much as the record shrinkage of the dialogues, the Phantom Kilerze simply powklejano dialogues with other films like Dad, hearing, etc. anything funny. I totally do not have anything to do with what is happening on the screen, so you can die with laughter. Even though not too well I was bored, my stupidity cuciła poured forth from the screen! the truth, so long since I played is not good''
- Merry [! ], And above all I wish you a merry Christmas!
ps on the recommendation of a friend even saw ''Black Sun'', a film by Jerzy Zalewski, 1992, in my opinion is zajebista comedy, with some scenes almost cried with laughter ... I do not know who posted questions there, but the script probably was built on a heavy przepiciu, it was the epoch przeddopalaczowa Spiritu smuggled from the East, the dick in and filth there added, probably booze mixed with the sperm, or drove it to dead łagiernikach, of course, the interest on the account went to Putin - a guest has made millions on the disposal of human waste, is not worthy of interest Chekist? Okay, fuck the dead as the suns ... Anyway I recommend - see you all in quite good quality on Youtube .