Monday, December 6, 2010

Decorative Beads To Buy In Bulk


First briefly about the local elections: what it together, he punched the Gierada about gays and goats, it would just bitterly noted that when wypierdalał us [ie the representatives of the''minority''mental] with the center, from the hospital on the shithole of Grunwald Kusocińskiego [where really hard to get - yet somehow I advise you, but friend who lives near Kielce after the third unsuccessful approach to register with a psychiatrist she gave up and simply stopped taking drugs, moreover, there is nothing to be surprised these problems, since in my GP surgery is more space than there] then a dog with a lame leg is not interested in this shameless example of discrimination against people suffering from these or other mental illness, I have not heard that someone is angry or urządzał some protests, but now made a scandal to the whole country, although for a short time and yet - well, as you can see a minority of minorities, unequal ... Lunatics are hardly''zabawowi'', as opposed to gays in the madness does not really have anything exciting, is the essence of the monstrous and deadly in the full sense of boredom - the madness is appropriate word because it's a vicious circle, a few recurring themes looped posing with the frantic speed of the illusion of intensity [you know the theme from the carousel, which can not be stopped? at the beginning is funny but with time ... ]. Well, because there is nothing to be surprised that we're not pojeby in contrast to the pedal elyt''darlings''[as the word stinks! ] County is not yet such an invite to his Shol for what - to about a popierdolonym przynudzał Wheel in your head? I recalled that there is pain, loneliness and despair ... Do not k. .. we will always be beautiful, healthy and myłodzi''''nawciągamy of coke, we'll se the operation zerżniemy 14-year-old or-year-old will be to your liking and horny, and as we have for the rest of these dirty tricks odjebie is go to a''specialist'' some Santorskiego or inszego warszawkowego Buddhist-Satanist and ch ... ! Returning to the election: I expected to win Lubavian unfortunately, though quietly hoping for a little less but his lead over rival - well, the consolation that elsewhere sometimes even worse. Besides the election of the banners drew my attention to two images - hanging in my neighborhood with a certain James Tamborski PO, perfect platfusowy lemming with an expression of bovine complacency on the face betrayed not the slightest sign of reflection or the unscrupulous, blondi Rubik's early style, 100% aryjskości, I think in uniform SS would be to his face, straight [unless] but unorthodox [probably] and Cathy Tupaja taking off from a list of our party,''he supported the''[and maybe pushed? ] On the impressive size banner hiperprzystojny Jarubas Marshal, also noticed that Mrs. Barry lubieła''''very photograph taken with the handset, which in light of the above and also in conjunction with its slightly blondynkowatą''''beauty, and that what she wrote about the on''Green''party that her hobby is to make people happy''''[how? ] Gave it all very ambiguous taste, saying it looked like some straight jeb ... Landrynka''pink''on her posters were missing only the number .. 009th There is, moreover, it did not help as I hear and przerżnęła [excuse ... ] Election of the Speaker and his wife was reportedly jealous - she does not wonder if some stranger hanging on the shoulders siksa mężusia and it's still on the corners of the largest streets in the city, so everybody can see, what a shame! So much in this tomacie: looking out from the stench of the local playground, I propose to look more broadly to other zadupie what would be best, in my opinion, give nieskromnym wonderful curiosity podesłane to me recently by a friend [thanks, small and] that is mazurska blonde in action [ch ... that of LSD, zagłosowałbym these great Tits, and no brain łepetynie - the perfect combination, at least for measurbator ... or Simona Mola] and now I've found on the @ CIA example of how the ethical policy of the release of PO [and taught the other day as a great Chancellor Bismarck on how to do politics, like sausage, it is better not to know ... ].

Okay, now it is time to explain what's with this''drug''in the title: last Sunday I listened to myself on a program II, PR Thematic programs''''Listen to the world, its formula is roughly that the invited guests tells about a country, its culture, history, etc. accompanied by the music coming from there, this time Mexico was discussed - in the second part was very interesting conversation with a resident there for a good few years in a Polish village, which is one of the biggest surf mecca of the world [can not remember its name], he also swims on the board and is living with the skill of teaching others [good job, huh? ]. Among the many more or less interesting story, which quoted particularly drew my attention to a phenomenon called'' narcocorrido ''- extremely popular by his words in the Mexican genre of dance music glorifying ichnią Gangster, dealers, mafia cartels fighting, etc. There would be nothing particularly surprising, were it not that they do not is by no means some local variety gangsta-rap as one might expect, but musically it is more like ... disco-polo, music, or even a wedding! A set of instruments is the same: taking one harmony, one or two guitars and some trąbita for good measure, rhythms and melodies and polka, but instead of knives and guns are the fence and launchers ... The appearance of playing the music score is equally funny: small circle, usually overweight, cowboy hat and boots, with a real constellation the shirt prevalent in the surrounding woods, where the pallet is near the knee, and the mustache of course. And it is in that most rozpierdalające, for me at least - the contrast between the objectionable form of a smile of pity, unfortunately, almost eerie theme, because it would be wrong to, and that death in the literal sense, these men who lekceważyłby: enough to mention that in the north Mexico [this important detail, that issue does not affect the whole country and most of its ordinary citizens, as mentioned, where the guest is dead calm, and listen to the music there, everywhere and almost everyone, is reportedly very popular] in fighting drug cartels fought with police and between them has already killed nearly 30,000 people! In addition, it is a struggle with extreme ruthlessness and for all: guests pound on drugs so much cash that they can afford to these rocket launchers and heavy machine guns, so there goes that the police in helmets and bulletproof vests patrolling the streets in armored vehicles and troops, which, moreover, also deal with these mafias are not doing - on the occasion of the recent scandal came to Wikileaks min. revealed that the Mexican government in confidential talks with the U.S. admitted that lost control over entire regions of the country and asked the Americans for help because he can not in any way to beat them ... Against this background, it is particularly striking for me, unfortunately, a typical Polish wtórność and stupid zakompleksienie characterized all compatriots and social strata, not only alienated the elite, but even ordinary drechów - why do not they happen to these shaven heads, that what some buractwo import from the other end of the world as a gangsta since we own? Even our arrogance is not authentic ... And if it would be interesting if the guests in front of''short - long back''instead of singing about love pedalskimi głosikami and other duperelach sang praises to all the Nightingales, Perszingi, Mass, puddings, or another of Forefathers' Eve - just imagine: as a player and vocals the disco-polo repatriate only texts and burying people in the forest, the massacres in escort agencies, financial przewałach, underground laboratories feta podkładaniu bombs in cars, hoes chlastaniu Indomitable ... How then would sound Panties in the famous''dots''-''beads''in główeczki! Well, I can dream ... Who wants to learn more about how that was not colored phenomenon can read it in a sacred text Domosławski Gie-from''Wu''or'' article,''Policy or derived from some forum closer unknown to me or the magazine ''Forum'', but perhaps the most in all this rozpierdolił me a short text from''Hook'' about one shot in the porachunkach cartels gwiazdorze narcocorridos, honorable state permit, that cite the same introduction:''glorifying gang life singer Sergio Vega denied rumors in an interview that he was murdered. Several hours later, actually died ''- ... Quite

pitolenia, although few specific examples to give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a whole because it does not replace any talk of music - at the beginning of my favorites because musically from what I could hear the sound best, especially trąbita in the background gives this little piece of dixieland bezpretensjonalnemu climate, combo aptly named El Compa Chuy, excuse ...

below the El Tigrillo Palma [wonderful name, is not it? ]: Vocals - so let's call it for lack of a better term - to suit the skin stripped off except the enemy, please be aware that popular, like an Indian theme on his mantle [is as if the guy was with us there, the colored stripes], but it you are blowing the trumpet really raises my respect [it's probably the strongest element in this type of bands]:

Now, however, Please prepare for a total hardkorr, will be riding without trzymanki - a group of Los Amos de Nuevo Leon: the following clip of almost all the basic elements of''style''of the band - but tequila straight to open the mouth and busty Latina dupiaste and jumping on stage and sticky to spaślaka singer who impresses me, especially the ever-sweaty bald head and neck, which can not probably even beats a machete [color pattern is probably ichni handsome, it is encouraging - let yourself podśmiewywać here only because I hope that it protects me Atlantic, otherwise it has long fed by members of my dogs and pigs ... ]:

Okay, I'm not going to clutter the blog itself - who gained more willing to let so see the following references scenes clips such giants as narcocorridos Los Tucanes de Tijuana [ - here we buractwo in full, pure form: guns, expensive-cheap suits, whores, champagne, cigars, beheading and killing enemies, cowboy hats and oczywizda wąąąsy! ], El Komander in powalającym piece nueva''Mafia'' [- poured on the near side with a bag of cocaine, The second is in the head], Andres Marquez [- about how gangsters are able to''love''is musically quite nice indeed, melodic Mexican fiesta, I recommend], whether real supergroup consisting of one or all in one [leaving aside from the screen wylewającego wieśniactwa advise nastrzyc ears work perks underneath].

At the end of the ass quite a propos of Mexico but I would like to inform you that in the section''singularity''has long placed a link to the Mexican synarchistów: speaking in a nutshell it is a Catholic anarchism, which is the complete antithesis of anarchy - such things only in Mexico ... [For those who want podrążyć about deals with this vast and great, as usual, Professor essay. Bartyzel ]

ps To my dear reader-fever did not address the depressing impression that contemporary Latin music do only fools are shooting at everything that moves and fuck everything that the tree is not that, let me throw in a very short even though a very nice piece band, Los Pikadientes de Caborca \u200b\u200b- this time no murders, guns with gold butts machoizmu nor, for that wonderful climate maniana''Mexican''ichniej specific philosophy of life, which can be summarized as saying''what do you do the day after tomorrow,''[or in a less elegant version of''All I have in piździe and everything I put lach '']:


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