Sunday, January 16, 2011

Strep Throat Symptoms And Teethache

They met in the Kremlin ... Alina

c.d. poprzedniego wpisu :

Następny ?

Posłanka [ do Dumy, rzecz jasna... ] :

Proszę zwrócić uwagę na kosmitę obok w peruce i z makijażem niczym postać ze Star Trek - to pewnie jakiś pedał-eunuch oddelegowany przez Władimira by pilnował Alinki coby mu się nie puściła :

As the arbiter of elegance, as befits a gay man, it also advises how to choose a purse ...

What a neat handle a fat watch on [probably a gift from ... ]

zaczeska Till he faced the impressions ...

... ago and was not even at a very [for that which supplies! ]

twoju Job ... - Old, I told you you smoke healthy, organic Samosiej is not chemically tweaked filth!

la la I'm crazy ... [Where it keeps łapsko zakapior next? ]

Come on, you also can give ...

here took it in turns two Jewish oligarchs:

Nu, I complain to Vladimir!

strong woman - knows put on your ... [Or shows her friend how to get down to things]

probably an older gentleman extolled its virtues ...

... but I strongly exaggerated [women are absolute]:

Take me the correct ...

... bored me because I take sincere [and in general it is not like parities ... ]

pedal went, I have a moment ... [And maybe had an affair with Leszek and this is the last of his phone and told him jealous Vladimir shoot laser? Hmm ... ]

body bend ahead:

Where do you keep the ball a child, so nice to have fun ...

Well, at the very end, finally hideous montage, drawn perhaps by attempting rabble PiSiacką in such a shameful way to spoil our bi-lateral relations with the friendly''power'', clearly suggesting what sort of a, um, talents, of course, beyond beauty, Ms. Alina convince Putin to myself ...

ps still perfect gift from a friend in wpasowujący about [some sort of telepathy or what? In any event, many thanks] - Russian Jeżowska Majka, but what? That's not to dietiej''...'' [If someone can not enough admire her qualities abundant in this place ]


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