Thursday, November 25, 2010

Split Entry Remodel Blog

Sputnik hits the Kielce ...

... thoroughly tomorrow, actually today or on Friday - review Russian films, but also mostly newer and a little older,''cinema,''Moscow, unfortunately, quite a bit truncated compared with the Warsaw edition of the form [o tem then]. Although it's still in the program will be at least a few interesting images that I want at this point to recommend:

- starts with a strong accent from the ghostly but very good''200''Load Balabanov - this movie does not pick up because I've seen It has a large, or rather a big screen movie of the same study hall''Moscow''perhaps more than a year ago if not two, moreover, being only a spectator in the screening [quite interesting and comfortable experience! ], Except that I would prefer to see the latest work of this director,''Smoker''[Кочегар ], Apparently darker and as good as''load''[ review and excerpts from the film ], but who has not seen and have strong nerves should not be by me to miss seeing him, the more so for this price [because I forgot to add that the ticket for each session costs only 8 zł! ], But for sure I'll go to the following appears on the same date movie that is''I''[Я] Igor Voloshin - for those who want to learn more review, I will add only that the director is a bit of a strange thing that is his The third full-length picture, but after their debut, artystowskiej bit for it visually interesting''Nirvana''- review and extensive excerpts from the film - shot in the meantime, despite his, as is apparent from his biography at least, quite counter-cultural backgroundu yet, vulgar anti-Georgian propagandówkę - about more at this point - so what: punk in the service of the regime? that stuff is probably only in Russia ... Do not change the fact that the whole thing promises to be intriguing even to the point of the film form [quote the review found that on one blog ''in confronting the "I" of our most courageous technically picture of recent years - "War of the Polish-Ruthenian" - looks innocent''], here's proof:

- the scene of Hicior''Sandra''in the background for me crush! In Russia, probably in fact everything is bigger and even kitsch take there so monstrous forms that simply brilliant. [Postscript after the screening: it's something like''Trainspotting''and''War of the Polish-Ruthenian''in one, only better in my view -'' man without Christ is chuuuuuj! '']

The next movie I am going on Monday - a''peace''and a half [ Review ] on a Russian poet and dissident Joseph Brodsky. Here again, note the polyphonic form, image sequences based loosely on the biography of the creator interspersed clever animated inserts, in any event, as opposed to a little punk''aesthetics''''I''in this case promises to be a wonderful classic film, also heard in the soundtrack [besides, I have a fondness for Brodsky from ancient times, even more so because of his essays than poetry, perhaps nieprzekładalną and understandable to the end only in the original language as any good]:

- for those interested in more and an animation masterwork scene with Stalin as the Soviet chef [ ! ]

Well, at the very end on Thursday,''Short Circuit''[Короткое замыкание] - a collection of five short films of young Russian directors, or rather the middle generation, whose common theme is love. At the encouragement I throw him a whole last episode in two parts: a rather tragicomic story of man who dressed in a bizarre restaurant advertises shrimp Ensolv creatures in an unconventional way, moreover, that not too much like the modern inhabitants of Moscow ... but all ends well. Attention by me in the second portion of a typical Russian beauty deserves [type Slavo-Finno-Ugrian, so to speak] Julia Pieriesild , moreover, when it comes to pretty actresses in this film is another of the episodes occur Karolina Gruszka, privately linked by the same directed by Ivan Vyrypayev, except that the whole ends with a charming and original rather happy ending and this is today, not only in Russian cinema, stretched between the''murderous''and "chernuha" artificial, strained''positivity'', true rarity, and no accompanying unpretentious , the hit theme song ... - For me the bomb!

So many of my - as someone probably wants to can find the program worth seeing a few more images such as''Granny'', the session will take place on Wednesday, or the classic movie Parajanov -''Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors''on Monday before Brodsky - or finally, just in time for Saturday Bikiniarze''''[a fairy tale, but implemented smoothly and nothing more than the musical does not require you], etc. Unfortunately, in this barrel of honey is also a large spoon of tar - I regret that in the local edition of Sputnik Kielce lacked a number of films in which views on the big screen, a count, which from what I known to be present in its full version in stolycy''''[eh ...], in turn:''We all die, but not me''[Все умрут, а я останусь] Valerie Grove Giermaniki [ review ] - something like''Russian''Galerianki only get better, but actually misleading comparison, because it is not a story about a teenage prostitute voluntarily, uczennicach but ordinary and that their world is ruled by no less brutal laws ... In any event, strong and good movies, with degeneration and conformism of contemporary youth, especially girls, [if it is an innocent word in this context make sense - probably rather would say,''blachar'' kobietonów''or''], whose action could be placed equally well in one of the Polish secondary schools. - Next:''How I spent summer''[ review ] male movie taking place in awesome, polar scenery Russian Far North [ great pictures! ], By the way how to learn, this film is shown in the middle of nowhere on that Sputnik Skierniewice how, why, then, to k. .. Poverty is not with us! And finally, the biggest disappointment, because the thing was present in the Kielce set, but by a fatal coincidence of fucking ... I was showing Andrzejkami almost canceled at the last moment - it's''Bury me under the floor,''[ review ], for me, interesting reasons, so to speak,''''psycho-biographical, as well as by kongenialne in my opinion, play stifling climate of communism dogniwającej zdychającego Brezhnev - all in their original language without subtitles for it in good quality can be seen here, but to little to compensate for the loss put under the same scene from the movie: guess who is there in the background śpieeewa desperate sad dance lovers? [Nightingale,''the first PRL'' Our export commodity in the USSR and satellite states''''the Polish equivalent of Alla Pugacheva, Wojciech Jaruzelski and admirer of Daniel Olbrychski ... ]

ps yet! - I learned that the session''Bury me ...'' will be held, postponed on Friday 3rd at. 20.00. Amień.


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