Sunday, May 29, 2011

Things To Do With Leg Cast

BOM: Color Crystal by Ula Lenz part. 2

Also you have the impression that last night terribly shrunk?
I return from work, I'm fighting with my garden and grass, which grows at a rate of race and the needlework is very little time ...
But something as I do ...
pulled the machine and dug Colorful Crystals. I have a terrible backlog, May is already almost over, and I just I made a crystal of February.

looks like this:
gave up the same colors for all the crystals. For me everyone will be in a different color scheme.

January and February together look yes:

And keep your fingers crossed that next month appeared earlier, in a queue waiting for butterflies and Dear Jane ....
I think I'll start it up from sleep ...;-) odzwyczajać

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Nitro Biker Vest Pins

I forgot about deserkach ...

the fast, cold, sweet

Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie

(Chocolate cake with peanut butter)
creamy peanut butter,
grahamkowe crackers (crushed),
vanilla pudding,
chocolate pudding.,
Heat ½ cup orzechwego butter with a teaspoon of butter. Mixed with 1 ½ cup and crushed crackers. Chill. Put the mold (something naksztalt springform pan) and rozporowadzic on the bottom and edges to a height of 1 cm. Chill. Prepare vanilla pudding with 1/1/2 cups milk, boil, mix with ¼ cup of peanut butter. Put on krakersowy primer. Chill.
do the same with chocolate pudding (1 cup milk ½ vanilla 1lyzeczka).
put the vanilla pudding. Chill.
taste better prepared the day before.

the release of amerykanskim budynie przygotowuje sie na 2 cup mleka, chyba, ze przepis na opakowaniu stanowi inaczej.

Banana Cream Pie
(Ciasto bananowe)

1 ½ cups pokruszonych waniliowych ciastek,
 ½  cup posiekanych orzechow,
1/3/cup masla (5 ½ tyzeczki)stopic,
3 banany pokrojone w plasterki,
3 cups chlodnego mleka,
2 packages vanilla pudding (INSTAND)
2 ½ cups of whipped cream.

Mix together the biscuits, nuts and butter, to translate into a mold (Cake stand) and bake at temp 325F (160 C) for 8 minutes. Leave to cool. Sliced \u200b\u200bbananas przykryc cake.
Pour milk into large bowl, add pudding, mix. Put 2 cups of banana pudding. Remaining buildings mix with cup of whipped cream. Lie down on the buildings on the remaining whipped cream. Chill at least 3 hours. before serving. And best not to leave anything on the second day. Getting rozpackany.