Thursday, May 26, 2011

Welcome Bag Thank You Notes

Woodstock Bethel Woods

What is one of the second common?
In total, the answer is confusing because everything and nothing.
certainly the same hill.
at its foot, 42 years ago a three-day music event zmianila face of America.
I do not only.

On the hill that same hill, since 2006, Bethel Woods reigns - art center, which draws handfuls woodstock'owej schedy.

Since 1996, the current owner quietly ransomed adjacent to farm land in Woodstock. There has trumpeted its intentions to earth prices reached dizzying sums. After the will, quietly, deliberately.
Beautiful logistics preparations.
Then the band was designed buildings that meet the requirements of the concert bowl with the catering (and how) the hinterland.

founders were obtained, which provides up now platinum, gold and silver membership card. These lead to a place in the couches in the marvelous, a covered amphitheater and flaunting VIP entrances and parking zones "eaters."

Placa This May, the plebeians, and the grass huts.

Glowny building housed in a fantastic rooms with fireplace, which can be a convention center, concert. In addition, a kind of museum on the madness of Woodstock and gift shop, which tempted, oh tempting odgrzewanymi souvenir of that time. And besides, the Almighty, modern amfiteratr and alleys, not only for walking.

Sam amfiteratr can accept up to 15 thousand. guests. Enough to hurl also secured parking. Asphalt VIP, trwaka for the other:). This is where to safely leave the car. This is important because there is no other communication in the vicinity of Bethel Woods.

I suppose that is a temporary oversight of the owner. It is an incredible visionary who cuts coupons profitable from the past.

season at Bethel Woods in the last months summer. The organizers usually some powerful strike. Last year it was a sting. This year will be Deep Purple or The New York Philharmonic. How do you prefer:)


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