Welcome to Australia, please discard the trash all available food items and ask politely if your shoes was recently in contact with the agricultural land? More or less these words are greeted visitors in Australia:)
My first impressions of Australia, specifically Perth: first, is striking a surprisingly high percentage of mentally disturbed people. In most cases, unfortunately, you are crazy street Aborigines, which inclines me to a rather unfavorable opinion on European settlers and their many years of racial politics. Secondly, Australians have a very liberal attitude to slow in Europe, generally regarded as offensive. Fits very well here in August with my niewyparzonym language;). Thirdly, the Australian exhibit, unfortunately, nothing unreasonable penchant for shorts and miniskirts (in this country every two women suffer from overweight ...). Ranged
My silence stems from the fact that returning to the area of \u200b\u200bhighly civilized, we had to say goodbye with frequent access to free Internet. Only saves us a reliable MacDonald ... So soon I'll try to catch up!
ended up March 31 in Perth, the capital of Western Australia. This state is inhabited by 2 million people, of which 1.5 million lives in Perth. In Perth, above all, we bought a car! Her name is Heather, de domo Mitsubishi Magna:) It's age lady, but so far is doing well. We bought her for 1,000 dollars and we hope much of the "staggering" amount to recover, zlomujac Heather at the end of the voyage. The first two nights we spent in Perth in the four-room hostel and decided: never again! At least until you have a car and we can easily choose alternative options: camping. In anticipation of the documents confirming the purchase / sale of a car headed south of Perth, where it is already true autumn and to be honest a little shiver! It turns out that the long pants and a sweatshirt I'll have to buy soon, and not only in New Zealand ...
What is this Australia? Apart from that, with everything in reverse, because the shadow is from the south, gear-shift lever to the left (the only thing to which it is difficult to get used to), and the water in the sink drains into the drain spins the other way, here is quite nice, weird though ... Strange are the animals - a few hundred meters from our tent stationed a large group of kangaroos, looks at them whenever I can, and the whole time I marvel! Not to mention the other strange creatures, which in addition May bizarre Australian names:) Strange are also hours of work Australians - most shops and services work ends at 17:00, so I do not know if people who worked there they can do shopping and other errands settle . It's strange too staggering price access to the Internet. And finally, the Australian accent is strange, sometimes I have no idea what people say to me, luckily as often happens to Phil;)
Vibrant and spaces here, just nature and animals, the quirky and the less "eccentric." So far mostly admire the beautiful nature of circumstances. By the way: There are ubiquitous parrot, which still surprises me. We have seen a black cockatoo walking along the highway and large clusters of white cockatoos sowing terror among wild ducks. And dozens of beautiful, black swans, pelicans, and colonies of the world's smallest penguins! Oh, I would forget: in the vicinity of the river valley Ferguson we went a round in the vineyards to the tasting locally wyrabianych wines, it was a good day ... He also discovered passion fruit-flavored beer, which - I fear - could have a devastating effect on my budget;)
Ending the relationship a little chaotic for the first week in Australia, are a few pictures.
Nature Park aptly named: Big Swamp in Bunbury
view of the Indian Ocean and the lighthouse in Dunsborough
The smallest penguins of the world (up to 40cm), Rockingham
views of Perth, including Town Hall bell tower and a modern, hiding from the church bells of St. Martin's in London:
PS: We thank you all for your holiday greetings, excuse me, with not replied on time! I embrace you and sending a strong eucalyptus kisses: ***
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