sat down to write another post and realized that the journey by car, different pace, stops along the way and full flexibility to choose their route makes the water orientations in the history of the field! Another charming place quickly fall into oblivion, or a memorable motto of a failed ... I managed, however, set as follows: from Dunsborough, whence I wrote to you last, we went further south through Margaret River wine region. At the end of the day we tried Heather (that is our Mitsubishi Magne) by land, scenic road leading through a forest of magical trees Karry (variety of eucalyptus). We slept in the same forest - the first real camping in a national park, with no running water at the fire, with baked potatoes parzacymi fingers and faces ... Recently during the camping, reading the newspaper, I discovered that my intuition is probably also on holiday! Message caught my attention here is likely very little marauding inteligentych arrested in Bunbury for trying to be worked a bank, pharmacy and second-hand clothing store ( sic!). Robbers, a man and a woman, were detained on the premises, on which we stayed just a few days earlier. Wait, wait ... They were arrested on the day When we left Bunbury! On page 12 I found pictures of those arrested, and despite the "rozmydlonych 'faces, I recognized in them without a shadow of doubt, two" friends "of the camp, with whom they tried to make a friendly chat over a barbecue! Indeed, it seemed very little smarter, so conversation is not awkward ... However, I know how to choose your friends ... ;)
Early in the morning (I return to the main topic, we are camping on the forest) did not try to fire podolalismy (at night it rained), so the sooner we went to the most charming little town called Augusta. There, in contrast, the zafundowalismy probably the most luxurious accommodation in the whole of the Australian adventure, in addition for little money (for those interested: "Hostel" YHA in Augusta Baywatch Manor, is hardly in a standard hotel, a family home atmosphere, highly recommended!). Do I have to add that when confronted with a comfortable sofa, a room with a fireplace and a richly stocked library Places Augusta seemed quite pale? :) I was able, however, for a moment off of reading in a nice ciepelku and drove to Cape Leeuwin, where there is the highest in mainland Australia, lighthouse, and calcified wood nearby, supplying its builders used to be in fresh water, said to be most photographed attraction Augusta. Of course, I also I photographed:)
Another day and the trip to Barbados, where all the shops and restaurants were closed because it was Saturday, at 16:00! And it's already arrived in Bridgetown, moving a message to me about death pp. Kaczynski in a plane crash ... This was only a brief mention on the nightly news, so surprising and unexpected that it really did not reach me. Only yesterday I read an email from a mother and an extensive article in the local newspaper, and you must admit, I cried ... So many human lives as a candle flame zdmuchnietych ... I felt a bit unseemly in the morning in Bridgetown, a walk along a picturesque and enchanting river Blackwood, if I had not quite right to admire views, but so beautiful there!
Next day was a very "woody", since climbed up a tree Karry suspended at a height of 46 meters high observation platform, then walking around the 600 -m "footbridge" hanging at the crown tingle (also a variety of eucalyptus) in the Valley of the Giants. Indeed, the bare, dead branches of trees growing out over the green crowns resemble giant fingers reaching toward the sky ... Practical Note: on this day we paid per night ... 3.5 U.S. dollar per person! This is definitely the cheapest accommodation travel ;)
Today, he writes to you from Albany, the first settlement founded by English in the south-west Australia. Wallow in luxury here;) We could hunt last night cute little room with a TV, DVD, fridge, today is a little more modest, but the fridge and DVDs still are! Believe me, man Travellers' for a smile, "appreciates such luxuries:) Albany turned out to be yet another charming town with beautiful 19th century brick houses and churches, a replica of the wreck of the ship Amity English, who brought the first settlers here (read criminals) and majestic landscapes of the sea.
In the background, a natural bridge formed by the forces of nature (do you know that these stone blocks were once combined with the Antarctic!)
The Gap, a gap in who burst in with a bang waves (must admit, the movie captures the atmosphere of a lot better, but the movies will be on Youtube'ie after my return):
Phil sits on Blowholes ; a slot in the mighty granite blocks. Ocean waves tear in it a dozen (?) Feet below. Visual and Sound Effects - wielorybopodobne!
little houses-sweets:
here in the south, but the cold, so tomorrow we go back to the north, by Australia's red heart (really only cut the edge outbacku). For a few days, this view will be just a memory ...
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