been more than a week since the last encountered on the way McDonald's and free internet ... In the course of this week crossed over 1000 km ... First two days of travel were extremely poor in the events and impressions. Traveled through the heart of Australia's agricultural, or Wheat Belt, where the main attractions to become successively passing small towns aspiring giant statues of animals for breeding. But finally we arrived in Cervantes, near which there is a National Park Nannup, a famous Pinnacles. There are two competing theories explaining the formation of these formation. The first is that it simply "booed" and turned to stone (excuse the terrible simplification!) Sand, second, that these are dead and petrified tree trunks and old forest, which was overwhelmed by Travellers dunes, and then stripped by the winds. I admit that this second theory the more I do not like, more drama in it. Anyway, sand columns are indeed beautiful, which does not fully reflect the photographs.
Interestingly, this place was uncovered by the wind relatively recently, probably only about 200 years ago. The first explorers who made their way here in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, no left any mention about them. And here is a relative windfall for phallic shapes admirer;)
next afternoon, we spent in Geraldton, where he visited the Museum of Western Australia's extremely interesting, but I liked the most coincided with performances by local kite surfers on the beach. I suspect that I made at least 100 photos to choose from them those few interesting!
next stop was Kalbarri National Park. Imagine a vast plains, covered with wild tufts of cotton and tall grass ... Hundreds of millions of years ago the river Murchinson "forged" in the local scales, powerful, meandering Canyon, traveling in the gorges of India towards the ocean ... Imagine ... because I had to run the imagination - the dry season this fall, and renewal is virtually no river! Sa gorges and canyons, but it lacks the views points, which represent blue of the water ... "In the dry place is not down on my knees, though possible, to simply suffer the glut of attractions;)
here are definitely beautiful, but seaside cliffs, the lack of water can not complain;) In the ocean frolicking dolphins Bottlenose Dolphin, but the close encounter with them had to wait more ...
Finally the day came, when I realized that driving can be boring! 400 km on the road as a straight wire, occasionally encountered other vehicles and monotonous landscape outbacku, or dry shrubs growing on the brick earth. Fortunately, this route, which is the antithesis of attractions, has proven us to the sights par excellence, namely the Gulf of sharks (according to circulate in the name of the sharks, you can watch them with a very safe ... the height of the viewing platform) and a place called Monkey Mia. Monkey Mia is not a city or town or even village. There's only sizable resort (with swimming pool with hot spring water!), But the real attraction here are the visitors them several times during the day the dolphins. As some of you know, my dream of a joint pluskaniu with dolphins made a few years ago in the Dolphinarium in Sharm el Sheikh, thanks to "acquaintances" in the database and snorkel so it was a unique experience that simply can not I could not wait for the replays. This time, however, the dolphins were untamed, that there was no touching, catching the tip of the nose and fins, and other frolics, to which we trained dolphin mammals are accustomed. Every day at 7:30, for 40 years, the beach at Monkey Mia dolphin swims group. At 8 am are fed (only a few fish on the encouragement, the rest have to hunt alone.) When feeding large group delfinomaniakow is usually disciplined in the series (the dolphins do not like crooked lines ...) in water reaching up to the knees. Dolphins swim really close, nearly at hand (which of course is not allowed!) Between 9 and 13 are held two more of feeding, but the Dolphins have opted not realize their fixed hours. Throughout the day, charming butlonosy circulate in the bay, many times so they can be spotted. Since it is already late autumn, the water in the ocean is, to say the least, refreshing, until late afternoon so I decided to take a bath. Initial unpleasant impression (brrrr. ..) have been handsomely rewarded - the three dolphins sailed only a few meters away from me!
A very simple riddle at the end of what pelicans doing? :)
The nearest attraction is Great diving on the Ningaloo Reef! A bientot, my dear:)
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