Saturday, June 19, 2010

Wher Dose Starch Dissolve?

''''Red Bor - Komorowski. Take

... Or Komorra coming - unfortunately you can not hide that dramatically approaching wybióry''presidential''and therefore I will not deny that as I gave recently on this blog you an expression of gamekeeper-Marshal [nickname. Przypału''master''] arouses my disgust and even a lot of horror, not so much the way he suspected what the various individuals who stand behind him - I mean not even resurrected miraculously, nieprzebitego the end of the pin osinowym Udecji immortal ghost in the form of a company Wajda & Bartoszewski, how many types of military security police to that abound in the surrounding Komorowski. I recall I think significant that the current presidential candidate was PO only politician of the party, who was an opponent of WSI solution, and it was only once when he broke for the time ordered the vote on the matter of discipline party ... Please also note that when talking about the state of war made the main blame falls on playing down the riot police and SB is usually involved in this case the army and especially the so-called military said. ''Services''[to say nothing of such distinctions as illusory when Jaruzelski appointed his junta took with him accompanying him as a shadow ever since the 40-s Kiszczak, who originated from there, after all, and together with his men then made the landing''for'' civilian security forces] to shed some light on the role that time played Here I shall briefly mentioned in the title so. ''''Red Bor, which is the first time I heard quite recently one of the meetings organized by the George Kenig''Academy''with former political solidarnościowcami''''[many of them having experienced''internment'' which in this context], and for the more intriguing I think that, unknown to the wider public, and somehow not really publicized. Well, as determined by the special military camps set up in autumn 'in 1982, the order of a high-ranking military sk .... spring to pacify the activists of the Solidarity'''' specifically, one situated in the Bieszczady Mountains - the ruling regime there can be proved by the story recounted by one of the participants in the meeting said that when someone out there trying to rebel prisoners, without further ado the guards dragged him outside and told to dig a grave in the frozen ground, then to strip naked in the cold and kneel over him, and then barreled into the occiput przystawiając [obsession is probably true of all the Cheka, in their place erogenous ...] yelled:''Now sk ... you do the second fluid Katyn!''. .. While not shooting, but what frustrated when the victim had to live this probably can only remain silent - more on this subject, and the unknown role played by the fighting''Solidarity''predecessor WSI, you can read this article in , and a detailed inventory of all the people''Marshal''with their ''merit''is here. To conclude this topic only recall that, contrary to popular belief the majority of judicial murders committed by Stalin in the PRL [eg, the murder of General Fieldorf''Nil''] does not become UBecja, but that military security police [which was already a high-ranking employee was Czesiek K., and where he allegedly gained his zealous service to be called''proud Czekiszczak''... ]

As for the elections themselves, and I was in the''choice''selection ... I admit that I have this bite, because on the one hand I'd prefer the whole thing, saying Olala brutally, because as rightly pointed out by Professor. Bartyzel we do not have either here in Poland or in Europe or the U.S.''no''democracy, but really rather a''democratic oligarchy who speak the rhetoric''that needs to skillfully naganianego methods of modern propaganda-electoral pijaru mob [that is us, my dear] only for verification undertaken by its members real decision here, but I am tempted to vote for Kaczynski's not so much as to any lesser evil''if''chamstwu against his opponents: the brains zeskleroziałych Wajda and Bartoszewski whether przeżartych water and dredges as the Holdys, Provincial or Palikot [o''bites''heglowsko emo-Liberale Cezary Michalski did not mention] unless you really Kaczynski is seen as a contemporary James Shelah, and PiS żakeria like some peasant, inroad Galician, and they seem to believe that this''faszyzujący mob''[as ever deigned to express suffering postalcohol logorrhea chief writer - is the liter - III of Poland, Jerzy Pilch] wedrze them with boots on the shows and will be domineering butcher saw! Because you still draw us to what is said there once-written-signed and what it is, Ajaj! And to all of her sick, like a paranoid vision of Lenin's brain syfilitycznego trying to sell the mob, but perhaps no longer operates as two years ago - but no other [third] vote in spite of them it's like to descend to their level, the more I do not believe in Kaczynski's victory [or, a fortiori, that his election would bring some significant changes], but frankly I'd give a lot to see or face Wajda''Grandpa''terrible if it turned out that, however ... [Or even if he loses a small number of votes Jarka the rest of his life no longer pozbyliby probably''syndrome''squeezed ass, waking up at night drenched in cold sweat terrified by the vision of peasants trying to snatch their grubby paws of their hard-earned privilege of giving my ass, orders ... więznącym in the throat with a cry ''God, so little missed!'': Particularly significant is the case here named Michalski - who thinks I'm exaggerating, cultivate''populism''or''Law and Justice owska propaganda''and''tarnished''let him read autoritety with his pre-election''''column on the portal''KP'', where he writes about the''syndrome''Kurtz, but I would otherwise, and much more bluntly diagnosed ... Really, I can not fathom how he could let such Sierakowski poisonous, foul-smelling, cuckoo egg in the form of this guy: but he discredits them, as until recently compromised Polish right-wing! on the inside void''such as''the last people Cezarry grew the most poisonous fruits of Bolshevism and Fascism ... guy just fell on the brain, that not even notice that using this type of neo-colonial gibberish zrównującym majority of Poles with the barbarians and even downright raving monkeys as Hans Frank! ] With all this comes to me, therefore, that a compromise solution to this dilemma would be to go for elections and vote for Corvinus ... which despite appearances is not at such a terrible solution, because the dullness of the main candidates, the incapacity of Komorowski and tricks ripped his staff produced a quite an interesting situation which has already benefited Comrade Napierdalalski [not really worried me, because of its unexpectedly good result for this flick and its fractions Kwaśniak przydupasa Olejniczak, which, as indicated by the appointment of beams just started shooting ice from the OP, but a lot of support of the current leaders of LSD can thwart their ranks and make it difficult bit is all too apparent intention of lowering it in the channel and, well, let the red bulldogs bite! ] Really looking at the various far-right''''[- not to be confused with''''National Socialism! but to find''the right of the Law and Justice''] page and the forums you can see clear that a surprisingly large number of people declared their support for His Majesty, bah! - At its convention in Krakow election came close to 2,000 people [! ], While in parallel meeting with Komorowski few days later, there barely was able to drive the dozens ... [By the way I heard recently a funny and very eloquent story about how you really look like''debate''with his participation at the Warsaw University: it organized the same way as any other that is allowed in the room only a squadron-PO's youth, and the rest of the audience - If that word have any meaning at all - were crowded, even though a lot of free space left on the hall said in a separate, isolated room with telebimami, something like this''modern''way of ensuring that it is indeed a virtual''participation'', but even screens, it was evident that Komorowski is the only candidate who reads from a paper previously prepared for him and even specifically emphasized marker answers ... seen as''controlled''democracy is by no means gone, how naive could believe, along with the deceased Communist Party] - strong support for Corvinus in Malopolska, moreover, should not be surprising, given that it is mainly due to signatures collected in the region, he managed to register his candidacy,''the former Krakow''even appears as a true bastion of WiP-u [''''post-UPR], hence the unofficial estimates speak of up to 15% of votes for him there does not seem to be too exaggerated [another striking feature is the large number of young people in meetings with Mikke-m - in this age group may be even much more! ]. Of course, my eventual vote would rather support an idea, libertarian message that he embodies [though not completely] than the same form that I will not hide my huge issue''for example, its legalistic''approach to receive copious pensions and other former ubekom kanaliom, stillborn at the same argument that applies fucking like Geremek after the election 'in 1989 was:''''pacta sunt servanda -''agreements should be kept''-''what''of contracts? and who primarily? Agreements with bandits are by definition invalid and can be unscrupulous to throw away if it has already fulfilled its primary role of our skin that is saved ... [Do I have to remind you that essence of communism as and Nazism was lawlessness? - Let Mr. Janusz postudiuje a little more letters to Lenin, a lawyer, moreover, to meet his''revolutionary''relationship with the law, indeed, in general, which recognized only as a tool of terror class] Or its relationship to Russia, where in this respect it only raises perhaps the biggest disappointment of the elections or Kornel Morawiecki [- an older gentleman bajdy of''Europe from the Atlantic to the Pacific'' -? Wszecheuropa''''? probably few decades ago has anyone tried, but other methods, to build something like this ... no, thank you ! ], Etc., etc. - could such allegations about him are numerous. On the other Jared against his acute social rhetoric and populist''mouth''dorobionej it is in the sphere of praxis, real action much more liberal than the supposedly free-market PO - just remember that it was his government that cut taxes, and has not entered the euro zone, saved us much ass during this crisis. Sam I do not know ... All experiencing similar dilemmas I recommend read the votes on this issue Raphael Ziemkiewicz and Slawomir Sierakowski contrast , and another of still, the libertarian barrels Thomas Sommer and Jacek Sierpinski .

Anyway, anyway in the shadow of the election campaign has already started on the other much except for us, as inhabitants of this region, more importantly, the president of the city: Lubawskie recently announced the official ubi et orbi''''their willingness to stand for a third of them already term - but a topic for an entirely different post ...


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