Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wedding Reception Program Outline

[Anti] fascists.

Good few days ago and took place in Wszawie zadyma''independence''- the very idea of \u200b\u200bblocking demonstrations ONR-men would be even nice to me, because no great exaggeration to call them national communists [who is curious let them get acquainted with the political program of pre-war ], if not the fact that participants were equally kontrmanifestacji, and perhaps even worse, that's even the Trotskyist Workers' Democracy , under the patronage of the criminal and genocidal, not to be Let us sample groundless Comrade Trotsky's unique style of his classic work of''Terror and Communism''[nomen omen]:''Communists never took over the księżowsko-Kantian and wegetariańsko-kwakierskim children chatter about''the sanctity of human life''- clearly and forcefully expressed the probably only Chairman Mao in his famous maxim, clearly capturing the typical Bolshevik attitude to truth and''tolerance''-'' you have right, but we've got guns,'', beautiful, no? I purposely ignore the despicable activities in the People's Republic owskim apparatus of repression and propaganda, many parents editors - ek''Election''which she shot this [anti-] fascist hysteria, from which up to now clearly is not cut off a lot of them even managed to defend this sordid past the ober-guru Adam M. at the head, which, moreover, recently was firmly entangled in the issue at start fighting like a lion to defend the memory of his father Uzziah Szechter against charges of treason, and then himself in his anti-mindedness PiSowskim agreed with his accusers owskim IPN! In addition, unless you have a brain zlasowany dopierdalaczami [as Stachursky perhaps - who does not believe let alone convincing ] to compare to the fascists and Nazis, really, and even national democrats ONR-men - whether someone likes it or not originating from the Falange''''National Confederation Piasecki and its armed group''articulated''Cadre Battalions suffered perhaps the greatest percentage loss of all operating formation in Poland at that time in combat as the naziolami and Bolsheviks, skipping already that this environment has created only when appearing on a regular basis and the best underground literary journal Art and Nation''focused''in their ranks so unusually talented individuals like Andrew Trzebinski [recommend his''Memoirs''] and Tadeusz Gajcy [yeah yeah! the same,''imperialist and chauvinist'']. The same applies to spotwarzania NSZ and Dmowski - I do not intend here to defend the National Democratic Party [from my perspective reactionary nationalism, socialism and liberalism are the three heads of the same revolutionary hydra, and if it is, the closest to me these past], but the facts are such that merit Dmowski regain independence by the Republic was at least equal to, or actually more than Pilsudski, and therefore, whatever to think about it, this monument to him the hell is! [And that he had a lot of nails? Well, Joseph was not a saint - the past as a''terrorist''red, then making a bloody coup and ruthlessly suppress opposition: but it is not a reason to call him, as they do today different endokomunistyczne trash, just''fascist'' ] It was undoubtedly an outstanding even acknowledged the figure at the same ... Michnik [?!? ] - Unfortunately, only in an article published in the Russian press ... [I recommend the interview with prof. Andrzej Nowak,''Andorra in the final''under the telling title - attention leftists! -'' Dmowski was not a racist ''] Well, the number of pasiakami it's a total inflection - once taking into account how many national democrats and oenerowców died in Nazi concentration camps [by the communist not to mention] and the two primarily as a striking proof of ignorance and historical debilizmu these leftist morons who claim to not know why the intellectuals [unless the quotation marks] because he had be an opposition to the murderous anti-Semitism''fascists'', a reminder of its consequences, but how then to explain the fact that so many Jews were fascists? What to do with the fact that approximately every tenth Jew was a member of the Italian fascist party, in the march on Rome''participated''at least several hundred Jews and even in the Fascist Grand Council, the equivalent of the Central Committee of Communists, sat a man with such a origin, a certain Aldo Finzi? All these apparent paradoxes and shocking [only for idiots] data, which I am quoting here stem from the typical socialist hypocrites confuse fascism with Nazism, deliberate on their part, moreover, because the latter is an abbreviation for National Socialism, that it was really [because the only real opposition in the Third Reich was not leftist, but the right-wing, conservative - is primarily Prussian aristocrats, Catholics , liberals, social democrats, at most,''or''socjalfaszyści for the bestowal of this as bolszewii and tormenting Thalmann about anything here does not prove, because the bastard was not better than their oppressors and taking into account the strength of the communists from taking power by nazioli and treating serious difference between them should then take a permanent civil war there, and something as nebulous as''the German national character''allegedly fond of the order is no explanation for its absence, there is the same''nature''does not bother them with each other fiercely during the Weimar napierdalać with bombs and skrytobójstwami podkładania including]. Yes, this is what they fear and why it is so hysterically oppose''fascism''to stave off a troubling specter that as the distorting mirror shows them the real consequences of their alleged ideals of''freedom''! Intended as I have said and it makes sense from their point of view of ignorance ignores important differences between the Fascists and National Socialists and one of them is the racism, antisemitism, or rather, because I do not know how to behave towards the Ethiopians after the Italians invaded Abyssinia, ie murder, and pacified them for sure, but if software also despise them ? - I do not know. In any event, the Nuremberg Laws were introduced in Italy late and under pressure from Germany, were not consistently enforced and we never really mass murder of Jews began there, paradoxically, with the fall of Mussolini - naziole feel that they have therefore resolved the matter in hand and They are mainly engaged in this shameful out; [and pacification barbarous native population, which is also worth remembering]. Zakutym lewackim łbom I recommend reading the book on the fascist myth of youth by Peter Podemskiego published this year by publishing DiG - containing a lot of work is not widely known facts disprove the thesis of the supposedly''reactionary''nature of this movement [eg, splitting the Catholic procession Milan by fascist militias led by ex-futurist Marinetti in the early 20-ies] demolishing the occasion of widespread among the anarchists of the grace of God counter-cultural myth that the youth with his rebelliousness [today we should rather say: conformism] is a denial of fascism often associated here with adulthood and its supposedly inherent authoritarianism: rub in this is that the anthem was called''Fascist Giovinezza''which means nothing else like ' 'youth''... As the world is a world of individuals is still immature and unformed, and children have always had a tendency to all authoritarian stupidity, and mindless totalniactwa and incredibly exciting human beasts of cruelty - anyone who came into contact with letters Lenin or a Hitler should quickly see that they were such a big bobo [well, unless you it is] a breakthrough with their scribbles infantilism subsoil was ideal for sound to them irresponsible criminality. Anyway, put a dot above and no one else but Fellini himself when, during work on''Armacordem''which deals with childhood and growing up in Fascist Italy and ensuing settlement with his then-uncritical - oh what a young man! and idealistic! - Admiration of Mussolini, he said:''

Fascism is a degeneration of a specific historical stage of a certain state of an individual - namely youthfulness , which breaks down and rots, it grows in a brutal manner, but no further . Fascism and adolescence is primarily a reflection of our psychology, something lies within each of us .''- And now the best -'' impossible to fight against fascism, not equating it with the part of all of us, which is a carrier of ignorance spiritual poverty and idiotic whims

''- that is, with youth in one word ... These should be engraved in every leftist blunt skull region, whose interior resembles moldy morass, and this applies to both those suffering from juvenile dementia, particularly as manifested by pustules on the brain,''anty''faszystów and shouting''youth! revolution!''and practicing antics with torches, accompanied by wzwodami praworęcznymi [''Doctor, I suffer from stiff right hand,''] zjebami''from''Falange - indeed what a difference even if the latter is not so long ago hatched alliance, let tactical''and''from''or''trzecioświatowymi maoistami synalkami feminists Nowicka, ex-LBC? And in the end if it is true that on the train near Bydgoszcz, or where there where she fell antify militia, they let the gas in the interval and bombed bejzbolami not only skins but also the innocent going along with the passengers, if it's true I say ... it is right and true Ziemkiewicz pałkarzami and fascists are the they, not the ONR! The best thing for the whole puts Kelthuz your blog [he who began a temperature rather then some other time] when he wrote:'' anti-fascism, it's simply fascism, so that anti ''[I would add from myself that it is rather only variations bolszewii]. The role of this all Blumsztajn Election''and''confirmed my intuition that''liberalism,''the newspaper gathered around her and the environment is apparent at most at the level of rhetoric, and it really is an neotrockistowska red rag seeping venom for smoke a blunt propaganda disguised in the liberal phraseology. Okay, that's about it because I will just damn - I recommend devoted to the whole affair, interesting and well-balanced text Wildstein and two blog entries from Hubert buck, as he himself writes,''a''and''postfaszysty syjonazisty''- relationship''with the march''and especially the about the phenomenon itself Duce and Italian fascism, and not to be suspected of partiality also adds an interview with Michael Sutowskim , one of the main organizers of kontrmanifestacji [falls instantly curious musical ONR of the CPP - you, or rather companion Sutowski unable or I do not want to see radical asymmetry in the situation of these two groups, because the Phalanx was never annex the Nazi party as the CPP Soviet kompartii, remember also that Piasecki and his friends gave suck komuchom not naziolom and it certainly not only because the former were more open for''cooperation''from the competition, because even before the war, for example, some of them with a certain agendas "Wasiutyński looked to the East, to say nothing about what was right Ziemkiewicz noted that the radical antyniemieckość which largely funded was the identity of Polish nationalist rule out almost any of their collaboration in this case Unfortunately, the opposite side there were no similar barriers in any case, they were much weaker and the resistance to the occupation of the second - no, you have to be happy that at least deigned Michalek noted that in taking the''fascist'' Ziemkiewicz said the parade and Korwin-Mikke fascists are, nothing more can not be expected from someone Kretynyki Politrukowskiej''...'' ]

already at the end of a truly hardcore wrinkle to all followers ignorant of the one vision of history and on the other hand - how about the fact that most Nazi or fascist organization in pre-war Poland was not at all''phalanx''Piasecki, but .. . Jews as''the most''Betar Zeev [Vladimir] Jabotinsky? I do not want to write about this in more detail than this, and so far rozrośniętym entry [of their contemporaries pogrobowcami dealt with in this place some time ago ], please find the same information about them, and the Irgun''''or compounds which tied them with the Italian Fascists of the youth association Balilą''common''furnishing camps, etc.

ps by the way the whole thing yet I would recommend reading the excellent text of David Wildstein [- son? In that case I congratulate] in a meaningful way ''Possessed''in the New World - according to the minutes. Kazi Szczuka that has the rest of the nuts, probably believed that he is the embodiment of Rozia Luxembourg [may it guru, so it''enlightened''? ], Particularly a''controversy''of his text Mr Syska of''KP''and''salon''uberliberała Sadurski : their arrogance testifies to the level of [? ] Representatives of left-liberal''''elyt, old and young - and plowed another ignorant of the environment''''Michael Kretynyki Sutowskiego [wypominając nothing otherwise, but looking at this guy with such opponents ONR sheep should sleep ... ] Performed Stefan Sękowski .


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