Thursday, November 4, 2010

Wrestling Singlets For Baby

''are Roma? - No, I'm normal''...

- this entry is that the''glass Contact''harms ... [Directly on the brain singular] Heavens evidently listened to my requests and weather for the All Saints and All Souls' Day [terrible name, Palikot necessarily have to do something about it! ] Was pretty [not remember so warm for this time of year night], certainly, as is feared, the dog and even ch ... Dog - penis''on the three meter black as a habit as a priest''zaśpiewałby [howled? roared? ] Elderly Silesian Satanist,''singer''Roman Kostrzewski Kata, and as we know all the cool guys Romek: He Wilhelmi, Giertych ... [Not to mention have the pedofilu Polansk'ym] Riga obviously such a man named Richard C., our native version of''Taxi Driver''[they had Robert De Niro and we Rysiek C. ...] from the''Holy City'' who went to Lodz to impose a''folk''repulsive pisiarzom justice. I will not be about the whole thing because it is too elaborate and what, if briefly, and it aptly commented on his blog Studyta -''After a careful reading of the leading information portals came to the only morally legitimate conclusion: the murder of Lodz PiSowcy match, because if they were not there, there would have to be kill them (dorzynać ).''... Who wants a little more complex analysis try this comment''Potato'' whose remarks about mad with self-hatred Polaczkach [What the clinical case is described not only the''bloody''cinkciarz Palikotowa flock but] I agree, but Jacek Sierpinski points from a libertarian point of view to another aspect of the case in the context of the absurd demands a total ban on gun ownership as the occasion arose, while it is rather possible universal access to it would provide better protection against this type of criminals, in addition no-one observes that he had no license on it, so this is clear evidence of the ineffectiveness of the current very restrictive law on this point there is, no, and last but not least, one also does not ask for much more meaningful in that case where the question it come from? Perhaps described here and there its relationship with the erstwhile MO shed some light ... [Who wants to learn about what's really going on with the weapons ban''recommend''devoted to this issue blog entries by Stephen Twardoch as that of poly-milicjantach or Polish hoplofobii or hysteria that prevails around any''gun''in our society]

For their part, I'll just add that all the fuss puzzles me the most ease with which the media said the perpetrator of the murder as a madman but no one considers those are those who its irresponsible and ongoing incitement led to this tragedy, [and yet as it psychopaths do not feel guilt even! ], Quite apart from that, if the epithets uttered recently by having to be''educated''people at non-normal repeated against homosexuals or Jews ... But no-one speaks of''schizofobii'' and altogether good, because it nowomowny gibberish, but it strikes me as quite hypocritical''gargantuan''living room! - I mention this because I myself am one of the mentally ill, but mentally, as seen in contrast to most of our [? ]''''Elyt, unfortunately.

Nothing, it is ... C,''spijmy girls hymen blood like juice concentrate their honor''that again sparafrazuję [pardon] Roman K. - what if I put a link to the page''Executioner''in section ''singularities'', there is also a peculiar subculture of party lovers North milicjantek road, whose existence I learned recently through a friend, for which at this point thanks to him [Thanks-mu], we kindly inform you of a new section devoted to wine [page under the''other''], where especially recommend the blog ściemy''no''on which it actually engaged in this noble [not always] liquor without the typical accompanying unfortunately for pseudo-cultural shell blast, which mercilessly mock what you can see even in the dating of the entry of wine tasting by ... um, let's say not too set up for this person or tyczącym przesławnego Breuslavia city on the Oder.

conclusion I can say with satisfaction that the past Christmas I remembered very nice, thanks to a beautiful Seth that began with the opening of the exhibition friend, which showed pictures taken a few years ago during Halloween in the United States - aside from a rather otherwise my attitude to the''sacred''was interesting as a social document, look at his other, more drama and not the commercial aspect, as usual, except that an additional asset photographs gave a performance of their pre-Flood Zenith [beautiful grain], but above all thanks to the accompanying wernisażowi atmosphere: perhaps the first time it happened as the''Base''that people do not spread far after an hour, but it becomes an opportunity for several hours meeting with friends and strangers. Particularly important to me was that I could sit in the living room''VIP''or attic next to the exhibition hall on a comfortable old sofa sipping a good wine brought in by a friend and chat freely with both those whom I have known for a long time, and those which have long wanted to know for example that Brulionmanem the blog, I try to bump into on a regular basis because it is worth. Probably high in the merit of fitting carried out by the organizers or DELETED pumpkins with candles burning inside, etc. but also possible to drink wine and liquors inszych ... I mention as possible, because the number of previous exhibitions there was complete abstinence, which is a painful gap attempted to fill such superabundant animal fat [! ] That even such an anti-vegetarian like me wprawiało frustrated because what it is without even opening a little wine! This greater appreciation for the organizers, have demonstrated a culture and took care of alcohol [in moderate quantities, without hysteria, for she, and not for any ugly drunkenness was at stake] and gave him another opportunity to bring to you and the undersigned has made his modest brick-bottle, unfortunately, ch ... ay - including warn loyally place before the white Argentinian Quara, pijalna but ugly, after a time, unfortunately, it occurred to me that a much better idea would be to buy for the occasion and has already proven quite respectable Romanian Vampire'a'''', particularly white which in addition is the perfect fit in Demoniczno and entertainment''context''of the exhibition, eh ... Of all the next day ended with a traditional evening trip to the graves''''where I had the opportunity to enjoy the company of the noble souls of the dead, or even just their memory,''white''Imiglikosa brought by a comely half-Greek ...

And so - and so much: it was very revealing to me I needed from the autumn blues, which is beginning to sink, and I hope that it will allow me to effectively oppose its next attacks, which together with deteriorating, cocks nothing satanic penis [see top] weather will probably be repeated. Concerned by this turn of what is going on with this specific norm in the title of this post will learn from that article from fascism, and how, portal, or if they were not enough could also go to''Aryan''blue-eyed blond-Gypsy oops, that is, a certain Roma Bogdan Trojanka not-to-end-Polish James Brown [This dazzling navy! ] - Especially worth reading there,''biography''of how hard to be among the blond ... ''''Not-haired people, and in the''gallery''tab, click the''known-unknown''where you can see it in the company of minutes. Joli K., K. Lech and Jaroslaw, or end up in much the same konfidencjonalnej conversation with Father Dictator ... and also because its a piece of wine bottle '''', who was thrilled to accidentally fell into my eye [and ears] on TV Trwam: recommend a good muse let go also to the Silesian tv eg Fojno teściowo track''''- must be somehow fill the gap left by the MTV ... Oh, and at the very end I would still throw a pretty tasty thing found on page Kretynyki''''where for a time I entered the mental health because wk ... I emo-liberal Michalski, a little also Friday, by far, but his left-wing Protestant odjeby, but prevailed in the time and well, because thanks to this I read an interview with cartoonist Raczkowskim, which is what it is, but the thing about which there remembers me well rozjebał and I think it's worth mentioning here because in particular regard to the above-mentioned''normalcy''of our policy makers:

''There is a scandal similar to the affair dopalaczowej, but completely ignored by the media. As for supplements diet. There is no such thing as resources for erections. Only that they are on prescription. You have to go to the doctor, and men in Poland to a very not like it. [...] As a man curious of everything you take, I decided to try these supplements. No, because I did not have erectile dysfunction, because I have. But it turns out that they work even if you have erections. And it very well. Even if during the relationship will call you mother, you can talk to her, and the erection persists. These supplements, which could be bought in ordinary spożywczakach, really work. But recently been withdrawn. Information about this barely flashed in the press, but certainly shocked many users, and destroyed many happy interpersonal situations. In these measures revealed the same substances as the measures on prescription, so I have been outlawed. Almost nobody paid attention. But why not admire the power that prevents an erection? Of all the supplements, only one has been on the market. Why do you think?

Because I do not work?

Because I do not work!

Power I have control of the erection.

That same day, when he banned dopalaczy has legalized the production of moonshine, which won the committee Friendly State.''

- whole


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