or O, and the American school American school-We all know from the movies produced there - open, friendly, modern, multi-national. And so it is actually. The first thing that hits above the threshold of the school are the students: white, black, very black, czekoladowi, coffee with milk, śniadzi (only in Poland, it seems that the negro = color black. Here in the U.S., a whole range of colors: chocolate, brown, black, sometimes with a hint of garnet. Yes grenade) Returning to the students-not just blacks, Asians-it is the best description of the range of colors for the yellow race. Word of colorful crowd, because the skin color should be added clothing. Do not apply here (of course in a public school), no uniforms or uniforms substitutes. Each comes dressed in what he likes. But I have not met kusych skirts and bare bellies (admittedly, the son claims that have not yet). There is no change of shoes, sporting only apply for PE classes. Locker room or not no, just the cabinet with the code (you buy a padlock and you have the code), which housed everything from books, through athletic apparel, shoes and other things important to teens.
To find American high school must meet the local school system. Children start learning from, [and] Kindergarten [/ i]-our Polish "kindergarten" at age 5, then it is pięcioklasowa Elementary School, then a three-year junior high school, and finally four years of high school, then college course. But that is another story.
The High School is four volumes and each of them has a name. Pierwszoroczni this [i] freshman [/ i] drugoroczni - [i] sophmore [/ i], trzecioroczni - junior and last class, the fourth-oldest. The completion of each class is certified so. [And] report card [/ i]. Looks like your test result or test szóstoklasisty gymnasium. There is no class of certificates of completion in our understanding.
In my school-my uczęszczającego through the prism of a child-there are four thousand. students. I do not know how many classes, because the concept relates to an entirely different class of things. The class is equivalent to the chosen subject [and] math class, Angielski class, gym class [/ i].
not functioning well a team of students. It is, admittedly, a teacher who has the care of a group of students meets with him at a designated room at the beginning of the school year before the lessons, but a Polish educational hour is not. However, for individual subjects, that is peeled classes, we find groups of students, different for each subject. And so with another team working on the story, with another in English, with another on the English, the other on mathematics, biology, music from guitar lessons, physical education-ie, etc.
Textbooks. No one here buys the books, maybe some additional exercises. Borrow books at the beginning of the school year and gives the end. No one also does not checks for notebooks-they are your personal student records. Homework gives up
The A4 or larger, if they are called. projects involving the use of several sources, of course, beyond the textbook.
Assessment-this is just awesome. The U.S. school year is divided into two semesters, each semester for three periods (an average of 6 weeks each). The teacher sets for each subject with the students of requirements and components of the assessment. These are: the results of tests (tests), homework, projects, activities and attendance. Nobody students also do not interrogated in the middle. Yes, students solve math problems, chemical processes, with the array, but in this way meet the points for the activity.
At the end of each period, students write tests. They represent the vast part of the assessment of the subject. Ratings are expressed in points, from 0-100, which is the minimum to maximum. Passing the test is the result of 65 points
course each school has its own autonomy. Otherwise, the organization of the school year and work at the school might look like from the perspective of schools in Texas, Arizona and Vermont.
lot of students provide yellow bus. Daily transport to schools and drop you from their students from outside the town. In large cities, while the High School students receive tickets (something like that I know of the Polish monthly) for access to school buses normal exchange rate. Babies ride school buses or are odwożone or fed by their parents or guardians.
From the perspective of a parent-American school is cheap. Bear only the cost of additional exercises in mathematics notebook, T-shirt for PE, a set of pencils, several pens, a binder on a sheet of notebook plugged in all the items, the backpack. Closes for the price $ 100-120. For the year!
Another thing, when a child participates in extracurricular activities, sports, hobby. Belonging to it is not free. The fees cover the cost of plastic materials
or sports outfit with the name of the student.
American school raises my genuine interest. Deviation is probably a professional, but ...
recognize her by my son, who successfully storm my stereotypes about it. Mention the fact in private and public schools. Personally for me, school is the level of net capacity and willingness of students teachers.
Here in the U.S. striking color school-no, absolutely in terms of students' clothes, in the sense of skin color. This kind of school melange. That's difficult in Polish, needless to say, a white school. It is one thing, the second - language. Indeed, not all kids who take their education in U.S. schools speak English fluently, or even proficient enough to calmly cope with science. Thus, at each level of school (Elementary School, Junior High School, High School) function to assist the class of so-called learning English. ESL Class or Angielski as a Second Language. They are intended for those who did not really feel in English, this is not their native language. ESL Classes are advanced to varying degrees, and the transition from one level to another requires an examination of the writing, reading, speaking, and grammar (well, maybe not in that order). Some of the kids learning in ESL classes takes years, and another four years is not enough to learn the language fluently. Everything depends on the abilities of the child, household conditions (because if the parents, neighbors only speak in their native languages-Polish, English, etc, the child meets with the English only in school and basically anywhere else it is not practical), peers, and finally, the child's age younger language-enter better, do not fear that someone they improve, they do not do with this case.
Looking through my pupil I can see how well kids are doing in the American Polish school. Son, graduated from Polish high school, he enrolled in the second class of high school. During the first semester of the English language was a problem, not so much understanding, as saying. This part did not bother the greatest difficulties, despite the high traffic in Poland.
Now, when I heard the third class ends with a foreigner, because it betrays an accent. School performance and achieved significantly better than others of his American colleagues.