first discoverer of Australia, described the lad as a barren and inhospitable lands. I admit to you that there are days when I'm willing to admit they are right. Bleakness of Australia, however there is nothing to do with the nature of its inhabitants, you are very kind, cheerful and happy to offer guidance and help. Four factors make it from time to time I would like to get on the train just any, and get out of this Continent: prohibitive prices, unimaginable outright distance, the scourge of the ubiquitous flies "on the letter U and murderous power, which operates from the sun here. Of course there are also other reasons for my somewhat wisielczego mood. And it started at Monkey Mia ...
In the morning the day of departure changed the unfortunate position of Thai przyciasnym tent (and I wrote, with Ant-mutants on the island of Adang skonsumowaly floor of my beautiful namiociku-zagielka, which started with me in the journey of Polish?) And rushed me to drive! Not these years ... In the nice seaside village I visited Carnarvon extremely handsome chiropractor (a tall, swarthy, black hair and blue eyes ... unfortunately married ...) named Brett, who "pomeczyl" me a little, ordered a few days of rest and the promised improvement. In anticipation of the improvement is not so I swam with whale sharks mantami and Coral Bay in the Gulf ... However, in Exmouth he felt well enough that can dive to the much-awaited by me Ningaloo reef (turtles, sea snakes, colorful cosmic sea snails and "underwater dragons" - sharks wobbegong ), so moving towards Pilbary and the National Park Karijini felt almost ecstatically happy. Because the distance, as I wrote, are unimaginable (each a beautiful attractions that you see on the pictures, divided from the previous and next at least several hundred kilometers of bush!) And kangaroos at dusk with relish throwing themselves under the wheels of vehicles, we stayed overnight at a roadside inn . And it poured here the boiling water on the thighs ... (Parents and Sister: do not panic, everything is OK!). No, it's not the latest method to combat cellulite, only the result of fatigue and general lack of motor coordination;) I will not conceal that this night will long be in my memory ... Because there was no cold water (too hot, that water in the pipes remained cold), I had to cool off with ice, which Apparently not a good idea. Fortunately, as I mentioned, Australians are eager to help and took care of me with care, especially following unusually handsome stranger, who graduated in Appendix training in first aid. Around noon the next day we arrived in town with me touching the name of Tom Price, where he peered into the pharmacy in search of ointment and dressing. I it was a mistake ... Mr. Pharmacist, Asian named Ken, apparently oversensitive, he almost died of fright at the sight of my burns, and refused to help, sending me to the hospital immediately. At this point, and I scared: she did not hurt, the muscles operate, skin does not peel, but can actually ... So I headed to the hospital where the doctor you saw "baked chicken legs", declared that he had a lot of happiness and burns are only superficial, as it took her 10 minutes, and handed me a bill for 156 dollars a prized ... I had a big desire to go back to the pharmacy and nastukac Ken! Let's hope that my insurer will return quickly to me these expenses on my return. So the variety to stay here, the lack of interesting entertainment;) Below the picture, on which you can see that I still have both legs;>
Writing to you are also entertainment, and diversifies itself in this way, another long day on the road (a foretaste of what awaits us, between Broome and Darwin, brrrrr!) . Tapping on the keyboard also turns my attention from the fact that a couple of days there I took a shower and slowly start to smell:) The last two days biwakowalismy przecudnym BS in Karijini, where the river gorges carve a rusty scales and drop cascades to the picturesque pool area, where water is crystal clear and pleasantly cool, and small fish happy and free doing pedicures. So far it's absolutely the most beautiful place in Australia which I visited, even as we have seen only a quarter of the park and one of four gorges. Were it not for the damn bow and near the flight from Darwin to Alice Springs, I could stay here much longer!
Speaking zostawania longer ... Analysis of current expenses and the remaining savings, and subjective factors (rising longing for home, what's a lot to hide!) Meant that I decided to spend only three weeks in New Zealand
(because of the wintry weather will visit only the North Island) and approximately two weeks in Fiji. New deadline for the end of Great Travel: July 10. Unfortunately I'll have to wait until eight hours at the airport in Los Angeles on a flight to London, so if you have ideas to kill this time, do not hesitate to reveal them!
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