NOTE: there are new pictures:)
I guess probably a lot of the speaker's title, during the last few weeks things happened, mostly sat in a hot car for the pain. Landscape has changed: appeared baobabs, bristly grass, water in rivers and streams, and the corners on the road. Time zone has changed: now we are in the zone GMT + 9:30. Changed the color too. Along the way we stopped of course, including in Broome, where we managed to hit at night, which happens only twice in a month. When it's time east of the full moon is consistent with the time of outflow, the urban beach in Broome Here you can observe such a beautiful spectacle, called the "stairway to the moon":
During another stop fed to the crocodiles! They were rather small, probably the largest measured about 2 meters (and can grow up to 5 meters), but klapaly beaks rather persuasively ...
Well, finally we got the absolutely most beautiful place that Australia has so far served to us: Nitmiluk National Park, a landmark Katherine River. This is the place to which travel from the beginning in order to sharpen himself, planned to spend the whole day, admire the views from the perspective of a kayak. Katherine at the very beginning it served me a big disappointment: due to high after the rainy season, water status, still prowling crocodiles in it and do not swim or canoe. So there was no choice, I had to break down his aversion to organized tourism along with 50 other passengers headed for a cruise breakthroughs "Kasi" on board the boat metal walking. Luckily views are truly wonderful and reward too crowded company (and the high price of the attractions). Unfortunately, again pictures are not able to fully capture the beauty of this place, but I hope you will allow to form an opinion about it:)
another stop at Edith Falls Nitmiluk it (yes, yes, finally something nice called my name!), which found their way to this elite list of three most beautiful waterfalls that I saw during the whole trip so far. I spent a lovely day here having staged on the grass, reading a book and courting the ice-cream with raspberry sorbet. Ah, life ... On days like this, I know for sure that we leave the house so far and tear that infernal backpack!
And so comes to an end, our mutual journey with Heather, a total of more than 7500 km! We got to the end, that is, to Darwin, where Phil will take care of selling our reliable, "the redhead" (keep your fingers crossed for his success!), and I boarded the plane to the heart of Australia!
Information from the last moment: we were able to sell Heather for 50% of the purchase price! And it is in Darwin, where everybody sell, so I'm happy. Coins will be the divers on the Great Barrier Reef;)
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