Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sore Knee From Tredmill

Pink Swastika.

... yes I know, supposed to be here and stuff Eislerze [ and will be], but thrilled me today a message from a friend that we had in Kielce its first Equality Parade [blee], although a little rickety, which obviously gave the brave resistance of local real camps nac-kiboli [as someone called the National Socialist gang Poles''righteous''probably earn me something heavy in the head - I'm sorry, but you have to pay for stupidity] - frankly I do not understand what's actually going on this sk ... inom, because in the context of the events mentioned in the article, the Because in this way are celebrated Day of Silence was a motha fucka is Jewish, who came up with an Uzi to pedalskiego club should be their hero ... I guess that might just come to manifest his Aryan-Jewish solidarity in the framework of some homophobic''Internationale''? And I even dream here nazi gay parade , moreover, apparently even such an organization exists, of course, where else if not in Sweden [Member social dictatorship, and there was even a specific name''''szwecjalizmu] and march instantly dashing into the swastika cover pink - oh, what I would give to see a brown face and red when they see ... Until I made a clear and thoughtful at the mere thought, not even the terrible weather and floods, so rainbow ... But that was not, the Poles are not geese and ducks are also your example, a man named Simon Germany is not a bad player - near popyla in a cassock and created his homo-church, which preaches that homosexuality is''necessary for salvation ' 'and the funniest of all is that he probably really believes in that ... Anyway, pish - what is there burackie and homophobic terms: it is ''Just''a non-heteronormatywnym Messiah! I really recommend it theo-rainbow page, which gave me much joy in bringing comfort to the sad, ugly days, particularly tasteful picture in cassock in which so inspired him to face the gay mysticism ... Going back to Kibo-naziolków [ie gejanioła descending back to the home of hell ... ka], and in fact one of them, and more precisely the ex-Skins already nicknamed''''snikers, who is standing on behalf of the party ' 'forest''and geszefciarzy grandparents, or the Democratic Party for President of Kielce, This broke me gently placed in the above article a little bit on the side of the election poll in which it operates and even overwhelming majorities of Lubawskim ... The only thing I can think of is either a treatment Pijarowski Wojtek staff to take a frightened people on the''anti-Tyminski''or''very''snikers [would not be surprised, it would be in their style - in the end since they gave the 2 gold each meeting to vote on 1000's Olechowski, why do not they pay someone to naklikał''''them in the survey], or ... - Whore, again, you will need to choose the lesser'' evil''? Or''The worse the better''and then what -''revolution''? I do not want to even think about it all even now, in this weather. Incidentally, if I remember it was snikers chocolate ... - Maybe it should be so overexposed Aryan family, unless it is just another Negro nationalist does not know that they will not get acquainted with the works''''Malcolm X and other black Fuhrer and will survive the glare, though in this context rather fitting to say blackout. ..

Finally, I want to confess something here from now on seriously, it might sound dramatic, but it's probably my last minute ... Seriously worried about his psyche, perhaps I plunge into the madness, a sort of manic psychosis: for some time now harasses me mug a guy - wherever they go with almost any wall or fence looking at me with his mouth, no matter whether in town or even on my neighborhood. I only know that his name is Lecki and is for me an encrypted message from aliens, such as''success''maturzysto - it certainly means something ... Save me a little autumnal God!

ps all this, which is not located in the head, that a homosexual can be a racist or naziolem, I recommend reading the figure of a man named Adolf Lanza, creator pisemka''''Ostara, which is Adolf H. zaczytywał in his Viennese period, and Otto Weininger : Jew , anti-Semitic, homosexual and misogynist - a popular author in the early twentieth century dziełka''''Sex and the nature in which women are denied human viral ... or let Having been on one of my previous entries devoted to Japanese writer [and more] Yukio Mishimie - ultimately the motto of this blog or not attended out of nowhere ...


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