Sunday, May 9, 2010

Template For Fondant Boat Cake


Had history turned out differently probably a little obchodzilibyśmy Day of Victory over Communism ... And because the National Socialists were anti-communists such [which, unfortunately, some part of the right to this day do not understand] how the Communist anti-fascists [which, in turn, proportionately larger part of the Left is not apparently able to understand] so really there is nothing to celebrate.

And as far as to share a bizarre''Light the candles on May 9''upon by group home''from''ałturitetów Wajda maestro at the helm, it does not even want me to comment about [it did indeed have been better for me James Żulczyk on his blog, Michael Szułdrzyński in''and''Rzepa above all, as usual in a delicious style and accurately Jacek Bartyzel ] so I will only briefly bigotry and shame! It's frightening that I hear now the world finds out about the Katyn genocide by Brazilian soap opera of Polish officers orchestrated [? ] By this old fool ... [ Unfortunately, because it must be called''work''Hardware procurement by the maestro on the subject, whose title of respect for the victims in this context does not mention].

those who will fuck me foaming at the mouth of Russophobia''''I can only answer yes, that on the show, I once saw in the local IPN-ie, even more impressive than the shocking pictures of the Jewish ghetto in Kielce had on me Those with a camp for Soviet prisoners of Bukowiec [how many people in Kielce know about this? especially those that have gone smoke candles today, bent their mother? ]: Stack horribly emaciated as Kolyma or Auschwitz corpses thrown into a wagon, zabiedzeni people looking like seven woes, some related strings in rags, etc. - those who managed to survive the hell of the Nazi camps were sent there after the''liberation''to another communist, by the barbarous treatment ukase''''as traitors, and so were the victims of both totalitarian systems, because they willingly zapaliłbym candle, but is it at all where? Does anyone in our town thought of this, that in some symbolic way to pay tribute to these people, do not say nothing of the monument [although certainly would be one of the few meaningful monuments in Kielce, more than a wild boar or September 11 for example - another matter that, as it would do so, as that dedicated to the victims of so-called. ''...], Pogrom''but even some plate, anything that reminded of the tragedy of those people who died then perhaps the same as Jews, if not more by the Germans and were treated worse than they did, because thanks to a cheerful companion decision Stalin and his comrades were not in force rogue of the Geneva Conventions on prisoners of war, and naziole not have to respect them in any way hamper - because I at least do not know about that. A kindred sure about them upomną, after all, bother them howl with joy today,''URAA !''... In turn, that if among the Soviet''triggers''the weight of bandits, rapists, drunks, murderers and thieves were also noble one individual does not need to remind me, because I know perfectly well that such a captain of artillery, a certain Sołżenicynie, honored the heroism of the highest Soviet medals, then arrested on 9 February '45 - hey, is it not to even before the notorious''''pabiedą! - For the fact that in a letter to a friend allowed himself to critical remarks against the genocidal tactics of fighting the Red Army's command and the role that Stalin played, which was taken to a camp: how many such as he was in this way, or a ball from the NKVD,''uczczonych''by his homeland ? I do not want to have to write about the role of these reservoirs czekistowskich troops firing in the back czerwonoarmistom [at the Stalingrad division massacred at least! ], A terrible price that the Soviets paid for this victory [even won their battles look the proportion of losses that a German, there were 10 to 15 dead Russians ...] etc., etc. - who does not know all this and wise up about this is just stupid and let the sp ...

At the end of a small personal digression: Olbrychski prick - who gave you the right to give thanks on my behalf? Moreover, I am sure that the exhibition Fri ''Communists''offering photos with fellow actors in Soviet uniforms do not urządzałbyś''performances''of saber ...

... and Bartoszewski is szczającym upon himself a pedophile and nekrofilem base, so the Lord Professor cult in some circles of the initiated fans of extremely bad temper death-metal band called - how would otherwise! -''''Necrophil in their famous hit song''Dark vulva''...

- and the best part of this seemingly unrelated topic: the president of Kalmykia, a region in the Russian Federation, was reportedly abducted by a UFO - Russia is kosm ... a magical country!

Postscript: I checked the whole thing and it turned out that a few years ago at the initiative of the local Orthodox parish, and was built on Bukowiec Lubavian monument commemorating the murdered prisoners - then fine, I'm glad that more so from what I see is chosen such, Christian or religious form of their honor, and he himself could monument nothing special, but at least there is no tragedy, as is the case for anti-Semites''gift''from the Jews, who haunted the center of the city city. Do not change the fact that you must be a finite retard or an idiot to this day happen, especially in such a place made wreaths and candles burn, such as local tops SLD : this must be clearly zakutym sierpomłotom noted once again that the fellow incumbent there people coming of Soviet troops did not imply any ''liberation'', but the beginning of a new ordeal , exile, humiliation, often death, or in the''best case''of life to end the stigma of''traitor''- that is why those who so done in the days''makes desecration pabiedy''because they do not reflect through this tribute, but the criminals at least co-responsible for their terrible fate to which they actually inflicted his barbarous decisions, and therefore the same candle lit for them in All Saints' Day is really an act of opposition to both criminal and progressive socialist ideology, which these people have fallen victim. Sam so I'm going to do so, and others in this place for the same reason for this urge, but only if not now! Significant thing that totally did not see any of our share of jerks burning candles today: where do you find all the prisoners in these camps, why they surrendered en masse to the Germans - to the end 'in 1941 until they were taken prisoners near 4 million Red Army soldiers , indeed, were even in September '39 was not at all numerous attempts to submit to those Poles Red Army! It's not because they were''cowards''and''traitors'' but by the fact that their matczyzna''''[''mother unless''...] for which they had to fight and win on behalf of the Bolshevik ideology, if not just the world, is Europe and especially Germany have already for sure was cruel and evil stepmother, would not otherwise be used against them as draconian measures and rushed to the horrific, senseless battle with a rod of iron penalty battalions, pronouncing the Hague Conventions and the stigma of treason - unfortunately, their tragedy lay in the fact that they had no alternative ... and thus hardly''freed''from the clutches of evil-smelling one nasty whores, I immediately fell into another megiery gnarled paws, but no where in the end they had to know that those are also socialists, k. .. jeb ... their mother?


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